PUBG's PS4 Advertising on the PlayStation Store Suggests an Imminent Port



Rumors Battlefields of PlayerUnknown will come to the PlayStation 4 are spreading like wildfire, and a recent advertisement allegedly spotted on the PlayStation Store has fueled these flames. Below, a screen shot, submitted on Reddit by JDubled, showing the advertisement in question.

Some other users have reported seeing this image on the PS Store. Like many rumors, Photoshop is still one of the suspects. In order to further validate this claim, JDubled also submitted a GIF file stating that they were finding the ad.

Recently, an Amazon listing was spotted with a release date for December 8, 2018 Battlefields of PlayerUnknown. Previously, Daniel Ahmad, an analyst at Niko Partners, announced the publication of an "Out Now" announcement at the 2018 Game Awards on December 6th. The dashboard of leaks in Korea listed Battlefields of PlayerUnknown"Window of publication in December also.

All these rumors suggest that December will be the month when PUBG will attack PlayStation fans. Some fans are hoping Sony will choose PUBG for the December PlayStation Plus games, but that's more of a wish than a rumor.

The community has predicted that Battlefields of PlayerUnknown will arrive on the PlayStation 4 by 2017. The rumors and alleged leaks mean nothing until we have received an official announcement from Sony. If these rumors are true, it should happen soon.

[Source: PushSquare and Reddit]

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