PUBG's Sanhok has a break card


Here I'm going to disappear again

The new map in the PC version of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is awesome in many ways. However, there is a place in the southwestern part of the islands where you can hide under the map and ambush unsuspecting players.

There is a place just outside of a building in the village of Na Kham. and the actual collision properties of the soil do not meet. This creates a "pocket" between a slight increase in the texture of the ground and the collision layer on which the player actually stands. It allows a deadly game and exploit-hide-and-seek.

When a player is in this pocket, they are completely hidden, and they can still shoot "from below" the card. It's a horrible and bad thing, and as you can see in this video of YouTuber niKlas, it's an easy way to accumulate some shots early in the game because players do not know the deadly trap that awaits them.

I generally forgive the idiosyncrasies and defects of PUBG . Despite many problems and problems since its launch, I've always been fully engaged in how PUBG manufactures its royal battle gameplay. I am willing to accept a lot of clunkiness to have this experience, especially when it affects all players equally.

However, it's not that kind of bug. This is a problem easily exploitable in the implementation of the card. It will reward some players for knowing how to take advantage of it and punish others for not being frank enough to know how to avoid it. It needs to be repaired as soon as possible as this is nothing but a boon for the trolls and a detriment for the average players.

The view of "the interior" of the soil.

Starting this morning, the mapping error was still there.

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