Qualcomm pushing anti-Apple campaign with the same search firm used by Facebook, according to reports


The New York Times Yesterday, a scathing report on Facebook was released, highlighting such things as the company's poor response to Russia's abuse of the platform, Mark Zuckerberg's disregard for Tim Cook, and so on. According to one allegation, Facebook reportedly collaborated with a public affairs company, Definers Public Affairs, to spread negative news about its competitors.

Now, Internal business indicates that Qualcomm may be using the same company, with Apple being the recipient.

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The first New York Times The report states that Definers' work against Apple was funded by a "third technology company", not by Facebook itself. Here is what the report says:

Miller acknowledged that Facebook and Apple are not in direct competition, and that Definers' work on Apple is funded by a third technology company, he said, but Facebook has rejected Apple because M's critics Cook has upset Facebook.

If the privacy issue arises, Facebook is happy to "muddy the waters," Miller said at a drink in a bar in Oakland, California last month. "

Internal business suggests however that Qualcomm is this third company. Qualcomm and Apple are currently at the heart of a delicate legal battle, with Apple having abandoned Qualcomm as a provider of modems used in the latest iPhone models.

In the report, Business Insider Kif Leswing said that he had been approached by the West Coast Definers' chief, Tim Miller, about a possible tale about the fines imposed on Apple "was linked to the action in justice "between Qualcomm and her. Leswing says Miller has also contacted other Business Insider reports about Qualcomm and Apple stories.

In addition to the Business Insider report, NBC News reported today that Qualcomm is a customer of Definers, according to a former employee of the company. The report explains that NTK Networks, a website managed by Definers, is currently promoting an article titled "Conservative Response to Legal Action Between Apple and Qualcomm:

NTK is currently broadcasting an announcement to promote an article published on Tuesday titled "The Conservative ITC Judge's Judgment on Apple", which refers to a patent dispute between Apple and Qualcomm. The former employee claimed that Qualcomm had a relationship with Definers.

The legal war between Apple and Qualcomm has become more and more complicated. Qualcomm recently accused Apple of stealing source code and giving it to Intel. In addition, while an out-of-court settlement seemed briefly possible, Apple would now prepare for a long court battle.

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