Qualcomm Snapdragon 1000 Chip could bring Intel U Series-like performance to Windows 10 laptops


At Computex a few weeks ago, Qualcomm unveiled its new Snapdragon platform targeting "always on" laptops. This came to us in the form of the interesting Snapdragon 850 – 5 digits only higher than the 845, a chip that currently adorns high-end Android smartphones, such as the OnePlus 6 and the Samsung Galaxy S9. As far as features are concerned, the two Snapdragon 845 and 850 are almost identical, but the latter will be a bit higher to offer better performance for portable convertibles.

What is planned to offer even more Apparently, the performance is something that is called the Snapdragon 1000, a chip that has taken advantage of its time in the past few days. While the 850 tracks the 835 in laptops continuously, and improves performance along the way, the 1000 Series chips will be much more tuned for these laptops, promising to offer Intel Y and U performance levels.

snapdragon 850 reference
Qualcomm Snapdragon 850 Reference Notebook

Over the last year, Intel has had to face renewed competition from AMD, and now, it will not be able to escape a fight from Qualcomm. Recently, Qualcomm decided to unplug the processor line from its Centriq server, although it is still operational in the event that multi-core chips based on the company's arm are permanently lost. While this is becoming clear, the mobile market beyond smartphones, is where Qualcomm wants a big piece of the pie. With laptops that promise battery life all day long and enough performance to do your job, the business seems to be on the right track.

With the Snapdragon 1000, built on a 7nm TSMC process, it is thought that they will adhere to TDPs of 4.5W and 15W. At the low end, it probably aligns on a chip like the 845, at least if it's a bit higher, at the 850. The TDP 15W is interesting to think for a mobile arm processor, and while the power draw alone does not work. To tell us everything we need to know, it is clear that this platform will be much better suited to portable workloads than traditional mobile SoCs. It is also rumored to use Arms new Cortex-A76 architecture that we have detailed here for you recently.

What looks really tasty are the specifications of the Snapdragon 1000 test platform. It includes 16GB of LPDDR4X memory, as well as two 128GB UFS USB sticks. Add to that the Gigabit LTE and 802.11ad Wi-Fi. , and we are starting to see the signs of a real platform for Windows laptops without big caveats based on traditional Snapdragon technologies with very low power consumption.

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