Qualcomm's New Fully Wireless In-Ear Chip Making Banded Bluetooth Bands Out of Date


  qualcomm qcc3026 bluetooth wireless headphones

There are now several excellent wireless headphones on the market, but there are several reasons why we prefer and recommend in-ear Bluetooth headphones

thing , cordless wireless headsets are often much more affordable than their fully wireless counterparts, and for another, they typically offer a significantly longer battery life. After all, for most people on the move, five hours of listening between charges – the best currently available on the market – are simply not enough.

Everything is about to change.

Qualcomm announced today its new QCC3026 Headset Chip, a flash-programmable Bluetooth-based audio-on-chip (SoC) system that has been specifically designed to bring wireless headphones to higher level. Through it, manufacturers will be able to offer up to 50% reduction in power consumption and increased functionality, which will ultimately bring the battery life of the device fully wirelessly at banded wireless levels. Plus, the chip will be more affordable than its predecessors, which means we can start seeing wireless headphones at much lower prices.

In other words, if you took a last-generation wireless headset chip in them, they would have double the battery life, taking derisory listening times, we saw in fully wireless space at newer levels – and considerably more usable –

<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-dt-lazy-src = "https://icdn9.digitaltrends.com/image/anthony_murray_headshot-720×720.jpg" onerror = "dti_load_error (this)" class = "large-size wp-image-1399477 dt-lazy-load dt-lazy-pending" alt = "Murray senior vice president of voice and music of Qualcomm Qualcomm

" [A battery increase like this] is rather unknown, "said Anthony Murray, senior vice president of voice and music Music at Qualcomm: "Normally, with generational steps, you can save 5 to 10%, but it's really a radical reduction .

In addition to huge battery savings, the new chip will provide manufacturers with dedicated components for active noise cancellation and hearing, which means that augmented reality applications will be greatly enhanced. more realistic without sacrificing much time listening. The QCC3026 is also faster than previous chips, allowing more efficient processing of heart rate and step sensors, as well as improved digital signal processing capabilities for better sound.

They also facilitated the use of assistants

"Normally, with generational steps, you can save five to ten percent, but it's really a drastic reduction."

"Another key block that we decided to add is based on the emergence of products like Amazon Echo and the Google Home product – these smart wizards," says Murray, "On Generation Products current, you can press a button on a headset and talk to your favorite assistant, but this new chip has what we call "always on voice". This means that if you want to start a session with the wizard cloud, you do not need to press a button, you simply say "Alexa" or "OK ​​Google" or whatever your assistant. "

The company hopes that the processing power will allow also various techniques of machine learning – whether to allow hearing-impaired people to focus on a particular voice in a crowd or to customize sound profiles based on an individual's specific hearing [19659015]. Cell phone maker Oppo has announced that it will offer a set of fully wireless headphones using the QCC3026 chip with its new Find X smartphone, offering buyers a fully wireless listening option from of the box.

  oppo finds x hands on the top half back

"Because of all the optimizations we've made with the new QCC 3026, they're able to get all of them," said Murray, " This actually allows them to consider bundling [fully wireless headphones] with the phone – which has never been the case with the phone makers. "

What other phone makers top range – especially those who manufacture cordless phones – will follow the Oppo headsets, the technological leap offered by the new Qualcomm chip should mean that many other interesting products will come out on the market over the next two years

. There is no reason to buy a set of wireless headphones banded apart from nostalgia.

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