Rainbow Six Siege Instantly Bans Players Using Slurs


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<figcaption> (Photo: Ubisoft) </figcaption><figcaption/></figure>
<p>  Toxicity and abusive language are a problem that almost all major multiplayer games where players communicate with each other, and the Rainbow Six Siege </em> Tom Clancy is no exception, UbiSoft went one step further in the age issue. </p>
<p>  Yesterday, players began reporting that Ubisoft was hitting them with automatic bans and instantaneous when they were using a racist or homophobic insult via the text chat of the game. Since these early reports, Ubisoft has confirmed to PC Gamer that this is the result of a ban system that has recently been put online in the game to solve this problem. </p>
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– Rainbow Six Siege (@ Rainbow6Game) July 13, 2018

Like many games that address vile speech, Siege bans depend on the number of offenses in that account. In the first offense, the account is prohibited for 27 minutes, and prevents players from using any part of the game.

If the account is on his second or third offense, the game will not be played. ban is pumped up to two hours. And then after a third offense, Ubisoft launches an official investigation into the said account, which may lead to a permanent ban. In other words, the French company offers players many opportunities to clean up their game.

If you follow Rainbow Six Siege – one of the biggest games in the world – you will know that the position of Ubisoft is not toxic something new. In April, the company noted that it would increase the frequency and severity of its prohibitions, and that it would soon deploy a variety of features to draw abusers of this particular rule into the code of conduct, and to reduce, hopefully, the behavior.

"These short-term changes will begin to address toxicity, but we do not plan to stop there," Ubisoft said at the time via a blogpost. "We are determined to address the issues related to the possibility of a negative experience for players, and we will share with you all other changes prior to their implementation. We are interested in hearing your thoughts and collecting your comments. ! subreddit and let us know what you think. "

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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