Raise to Siri now working with watchOS 5 beta


One of the new features of watchOS 5 demonstrated by the vice president of Apple Kevin Lynch, at his Worldwide Developer Conference in June, introduced to Siri a new Machine Learning shortcut that will invoke a Siri listening session without pressing a button or pronouncing the "Hey Siri" trigger phrase. It now works in the latest beta releases, including beta 3 released today.

The change was noted on Reddit by TongueBandit69, who noted, "seems like it was a server-side change but you can now talk to Siri on watchOS 5 without saying Hey command Siri at first, it's awesome, it did not work before. "

The same user also advised," Make sure the setting is enabled on your watch under General / Siri. Also try a reboot. Obviously, make sure you are on watchOS 5, "and" before any request, your watch should be close enough to your face to record that you are talking to Siri. "

In addition To be more practical, the new "raise to Siri" feature also allows users to target a Siri command (such as starting an inaudible timer without also triggering an iPhone, Mac or HomePod also listening to "Hey Siri". [19659005] The new feature also allows users to more easily invoke Siri on Apple Watch during a bike race, or in another situation where a fast, hands-free response is desired.

The Apple 5OS watch was revealed to the WWDC18 with iOS 12, macOS Mojave and tvOS 12. watchOS 5 will support all models of Apple Watch except the original model "Series 0", which will remain on watchOS 4.

The new Raise to Siri feature is just one of the scores of new embellishments in watchOS 5, including the FaceTime Audio-based Walkie Talkie that was activated in Beta 2. [19659005] Among the new features include the new Siri dial of Apple, more sophisticated, supporting Siri Shortcuts; a new Podcasts app; new activity competitions with coaching and trophies; automatic detection of training; new workout sessions, including hiking and yoga; Pace, Rolling Miles and Cadence alerts for runners; new support for WebKit allowing simple views of web content; Do not disturb programmed; and enhanced grouped and interactive notifications.

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