Rapper is considering legal action against Epic Games for using its dance steps at Fortnite • Eurogamer.net


Rapper 2 Milly plans to take legal action against Epic Games for using his iconic dance movement, The Milly Rock, in Fortnite, although you may know him better as a premium bonus for the season. 5, "Swipe It".

"Everyone was like," Yo, your dance is in the game, "Milly told CBS News. "In fact, they are selling that particular movement.It's at the purchase.It's at that time that I was really … oh no, it can not last. too long."

For several months, the artists behind some of these approaches are using Epic, developer of Fortnite, to compensate them, or at least "put the rap songs behind the dances that make so much money that Emotes ".

However, as Merlyne Jean-Louis, a lawyer specializing in business and entertainment, points out in CBS, there is no jurisprudence that sets a precedent for choreographic works protected by copyright and the US Copyright Office can not currently not accept patents for individual dance movements because of a creative choreographic expression.

"There are many lawsuits concerning the right of the author of the music.This seems.There is abundant case law in this area.But in the case of choreographic works, it does not exist" they said.

The more ethical dilemma is whether or not the developer should compensate the creators of the moves, or – as suggested by Chance the Rapper in the tweet above – accompany the emotes with the songs that made them famous and share them. profits from the sale with the artists.

"I do not even want to hit them for all the millions," added Milly. "Know what I say, it's not really like that, I just feel like I have to protect what's mine."

We have contacted Epic to comment and we will update it as soon as we get his answer.

In other Fortnite news, with the addition of turrets, the latest update was the scene of tension between Durr Burger and Pizza Pit, which resulted in a total war.

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