Recap of BlizzCon 2018: Immortal Diablo, Overwatch Character, Warcraft 3 Remaster


The annual Blizzard Fan Convention, the BlizzCon 2018, is officially underway. The opening ceremony took place today. It serves as a press conference to the company, which tends to do a lot of its big ads for the year. The ceremony is now over, but it all started with a comforting moment while former Blizzard President Mike Morhaime held a meeting with all these events before giving way to his successor, J Allen Brack.

Below we have also gathered all the key information that Blizzard shared. Although there is probably nothing huge to share over the weekend – the big news usually arrives at the opening ceremony – we will report with any other new, with interviews and more.

New character storm hero

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Heroes of the Storm is expanding with a wide variety of content, much of which will arrive in 2019. But the most notable among the revelations of the BlizzCon game is that of a new character, Orphea. Significantly, it's an original character for HotS – the very first to be designed for the game, rather than being imported from another Blizzard franchise.

Destiny 2 becomes free on PC (for the moment)

Just before the opening ceremony, Activision announced that the download of Destiny 2 on PC, available via the Blizzard client, is now free. This is not a permanent change, but if you claim it before it returns to its normal price, you can keep it permanently. You will need to buy the Forsaken downloadable content to make the most of it, but it is still a freebie.


During the segment of the pre-opening ceremony, Blizzard has confirmed its willingness to publish a breakfast cereal based on Overwatch in partnership with Kellogg's. He plays on a game joke himself and calls himself Lucio-Ohs. You can see it in the video below.

WoW Classic Release

World of Warcraft Classic is playable for BlizzCon participants and a demonstration is underway for virtual ticket holders. For all others, WoW Classic will be available in the summer of 2019. It will be available with a standard subscription to WoW.

New WoW Cinematic

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The war between the Horde and the Alliance has seen real twists and that will only continue. Blizzard has unveiled a brand new movie on WoW in which a new partnership is being forged. check above.

New character and character of Overwatch animation – Hero 29, Ashe

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After an entertaining conversation with Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan, the latest animated short film of the game was presented. "Reunion" was centered around McCree and a new rival calling Ashe (accompanied by a big robot named Bob wearing a little hat). This culminates in McCree's attempt to save a female character called Echo to whom he says, "Welcome, partner." It seems as if she, Ashe and Bob could all be new characters, which Kaplan later recognized. Indeed, Ashe has been confirmed as the hero 29 and Bob as ultimate.

Warcraft 3: Reforged

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Blizzard has revealed his next remastering project, and this is the latest Warcraft RTS. Warcraft 3: Reforged is a remaster of Reign of Chaos, with improved graphics, a redesigned user interface, 4K support, and more.

Hearthstone Expansion Announces Rastakhan Rumble

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The next Hearthstone expansion was revealed as the Rastakhan Rumble. It includes a new keyword, Overkill, and introduces a wide variety of new maps.

Diablo Immortal

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Rather than new content for Diablo III or another port of the game, Blizzard's news regarding the franchise involved a brand new mobile game called Diablo Immortal. It presents the same style of play as the series, but adapted to mobile devices.

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