Red Dead 2 Tips Horse Guide: Stables and where to get early one of the best horses


Compared to its predecessor, Red Dead Redemption 2 plays a much bigger role than you think. So it can be overwhelming not to pay close attention to the tutorial messages. The horses have been made to feel like living, breathing creatures this time, and as such, you must commit to heal and be careful with their temperament.

To help you understand the horses of Red Dead Redemption 2, we detail below and in the video above all you need to know to properly maintain your courier. If you are an experienced rider and want to know which are the best horses, we have gathered this information in our guide to the best horses.

For more guides like this, be sure to check out our list of feature-packed guides outlining all the tips you need to know before playing and the things that the game does not tell you. And if you want to have a little more fun, read our article detailing the cheat codes of the game. However, if you are a curious stranger and want to know if this game is designed for you or not, read our article on Red Dead. 2 if it is already done.

How to ride your horse and maintain its nuclei

The horse controls are relatively simple. Press the X or A button repeatedly to accelerate and R1 or RB to slow down. You can press X or A twice and hold it down depending on the speed of your companion. If you press X or A as your horse gallops, you will maintain your stamina.

When riding, you will want to keep an eye on its cores. Like Arthur's Cores, the heart is the health center of your horse and the lightning is its Stamina core – they just have little fancy horseshoes. The symbol in the center of the circle represents the nucleus, while the odometer around it is called a bar.

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The more you push your horse, the faster the Stamina bar will run out. And if you do not feed your horse from time to time, his kernels will run out and he will not have as much Stamina or Health in his associated bars. He will also look sad and run with his head down. Try to stock up on horse feed and wake up items from the general store to keep your horse looking good.

Your horse will get dirty over time as you ride. If this happens, its meters will empty 25% faster. You can clean it with your brush or by going through the water. The first is acquired after completing the story mission "Exit pursued by a bruised egos". It is also interesting to note that your horse's nuclei will fill up when you sleep.

There are ways to notice when something is wrong with your horse. A flashing red exclamation point in the stamina core indicates that your horse is scared / stressed (you have to press L3 to calm him down), while a flashing red brush in the health center means your horse is dirty.

Upgrade your horse

Although most of the time are identical to the operation of Arthur & # 39; s Cores, the way they increase their level is different. Instead of leveling them by moving and resisting damage, you develop your horse's kernels and bars by creating a stronger bond with them. If you ride, feed and clean your horse, your bond will grow stronger. And as this bond grows, your horse's health and endurance bars increase.

Your horse will even learn advanced maneuvers. At level 2, you can raise your horse by pressing R1 or RB with a square or an X. It really does not help anything other than appearing threatening from time to time – only to feel like a cool cowboy from an old western movie. At level 3 you will learn to skid. During the sprint, press R1 or RB and you can stop your horse or change direction at any time. Finally, at level 4, you will learn to drift and paw, a sophisticated word for "strafe". As your link increases, your horse will also answer your call from ever larger distances and his stats, including speed, will have a slight bump. If you want to know if you are close to the next level, you can check the player menu when you press the pause button.

You can speed up the collage by feeding your horse treats. And the stronger your bond with a horse, the longer it will take to bleed him if he is knocked over. It takes 60 minutes in real time for a level 4 horse to die, leaving you plenty of time to get to town and buy a horse reviver at the general store.

Horse stables and upgrade your horse stats

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If you want to get the most out of your level 4 horse, you will want to stop in a stable and improve your saddle. Most items for sale are cosmetics, but some items can improve your horse's stats, such as calipers and saddles.

But wait, you say! I can not get into the stable and I can not find a stupid brush to clean my horse. This probably means that you are doing too much nonsense and that you do not make any history mission. Once you have finished "Exit pursued by a bruised ego", you will have access to the stables and the horsebrush.

At the stables you can also rename, sell and buy horses. You can sell both stolen horses and legally acquired horses. Stolen horses will not have such a good price in the stables, but at some point in history, you will meet characters ready to buy stolen horses for a better profit. Level 4 horses will also have a higher price, so if you plan to tilt a horse, we recommend that you level it first.

Breaking horses

If you are looking to buy a horse, the first thing you will probably notice is that good horses are not cheap. As attached as you are to become with your first player, Tennessee Walker, he is not exactly the power you will want at your side throughout the match. And if the best horses are too expensive, it means you will have to find some in the wild and break them yourself. Fortunately for you, one of the best horses in the game can be acquired for free at the beginning of Chapter 2 and beyond. But before we get there, let's learn how to break a horse.

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By exploring the world, you will find wild horses everywhere. Large horses, small horses, painted horses, black horses, etc. A dozen different races roam the border, all endowed with unique statistics and attributes. If you see a horse that interests you, take out your binoculars first. Once you have studied the horse, you will be prompted to "view the information". Click on it and you will be able to consult the statistics of the horses and the details of the race.

There are two ways to break a horse. You can chase him, lasso, and jump on your back, or you can approach him slowly, calming him down when he is scared. Once you get close enough, you can jump on your back. Even if you are inclined to adopt the first method, it is much easier to break a horse if you approach it slowly. Once you are on the back, pull the left stick and tilt the right stick slightly to stall while calming with a square or an X. If that annoys you, continue it. When it calms down a bit, you can repeat the process.

How to find early one of the best horses: Arabian bald

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Once you feel comfortable breaking horses, prepare a thick jacket and head to the Grizzlies to find the Arabian with white mane. This snow-white beauty wanders around Isabella Lake and can be found very early. It is quite difficult to tame, so you will have to persist and calm it sufficiently before you can approach it. If it costs you and you escape, well, it will take a little time before another reappears.

Once you have broken it, put your saddle on it and bring it to the nearest stable. Technically, the horse will be yours once you have put the saddle, but bring it to a stable in case – you will never be too careful!

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