Red Dead Redemption 2 is already broadcast on PS4, advance access or leakage copies?


Red Dead Redemption 2 will be available on October 26th, but some PS4 users apparently already have early access to the game.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most anticipated games of this year. It could easily be the most anticipated game of the generation since it is the next original project of Rockstar Games after their crazy success with Grand Theft Auto V, the best selling game of all time.

All this hype from Red Dead Redemption 2 has led to increased demand for the game as the release date approaches, which is why, when some users have been seen playing the game almost a month before its release, the game had to attract attention. .

The pictures here show that someone actually has quick access to the game. It is not possible that we are talking about a revision copy, as they are not usually sent so early, and neither Rockstar Games is not known to send revision copies. They have traditionally organized events to review games if they wanted preliminary reviews before launch.

The other possibility is that the commercial version is released and leaked, or that it is a developer or tester with an advance access copy, which could be a problem. serious mistake on the part of the person. always advised to play offline games if you have quick access.

In any case, fans of Red Dead Redemption 2 will have to wait until October 26 to get their hands on the game. If you pre-order the game digitally on the PlayStation Store or Xbox Live, you can even play the game. before the official release date.

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