Red Dead Redemption 2 locations are presented in detail by Rockstar Games


Red Dead Redemption 2 places

With Red Dead Redemption 2 in almost a month, we're getting more and more details on Rockstar Games' upcoming title. After the August 2018 game trailer, the characters were briefly discussed. RDR2 marketing efforts. Now that we know more about the people involved, Rockstar has revealed more about the places we will be visiting.

On the official website, Rockstar Games has highlighted some key areas that will appear in this great open world match. Here are some remarkable places that you can expect to explore when Red Dead Redemption 2 Released October 26, 2018 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

  • Valentine: The Heartlands, NH: Valentina, a noisy and rough city of the Heartlands, attracts traders, ranchers, cowboys, gamblers, outlaws and prostitutes from all walks of life.
  • Annesburg: Roanoke Ridge, NH: Life is not easy for miners and their families in Annesburg, which has been supplying coal to the Lannahechee River for almost a century. The working conditions are terrible for little pay and many men lost their lives in the pit.
  • Saint Denis: Bayou NWA, LE: Key gateway to North America with a trade route that runs throughout the country, the bustling city of St. Denis is a melting pot of cultures and peoples where businessmen, socialists, sailors, laborers, beggars and thieves live side by side.
  • Mount Hagen: Grizzlies, AM: One of the most famous peaks of Snowy Ambarino Grizzlies, Mount Hagen overlooks Isabella Lake to the west and Beartooth Beck to the east. .
  • Rhodes: Scarlett Meadows, LE: At first sight, tensions and corruption are deep in the southern city of Rhodes, which for years has been caught between two Braithwaites and the Grays, two families of planters at war.
  • Big Valley strawberry, US: Strawberry was little more than a small forest town until the arrival of his new mayor, an eccentric from the East Coast, who is obsessed with turning it into a cultural lighthouse for the people. wealthy tourists, much to the chagrin of the inhabitants.
  • Lagras: Bayou NWA, LE: A small isolated village in the swamps of Bayou Nwa, Lemoyne, the inhabitants of Lagras live mostly independently, making some money here and there from the fishing and serving as a guide for travelers wishing to sail in the region .
[Source: Rockstar Games]

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