Red Dead Redemption 2: Play Practice, PS4 Pro, Online, Release Date And What We Know (Until Now)


The follow-up of Rockstar Games' classic western game, Red Dead Redemption, is fast approaching. Taking place 12 years before the events of the original game, Red Dead Redemption 2 will explore a vast area of ​​the American desert, with the Dutch band Van der Linde fleeing against lawyers in the last years of the Wild West. By discovering the perspective of Rockstar on the open world of the world from a new angle, you will discover the story of the gang Van Der Linde, who has a young John Marston in his thralls.

We had the opportunity to play Red Dead Redemption 2, and just say it will be one of the most detailed global games we have ever played. You can find out more in our overview below where you can read about our experiences by completing story missions and exploring the game world. There are also many details below about the story. of the game and all its trailers. With the release date of October 26th coming up, we are starting to learn a lot more about the basic game, as well as its Red Dead Online mode.

Where is RDR2 Set, and is it a prequel?

12 years before the main events of the original game, the prequel focuses on the outlaw life of the Van der Linde gang, led by the main antagonists of Red Dead Redemption. After a flight to Blackwater (one of the main cities of the original game), the gang is on the run. The Dutchman, his right-hand man Arthur Morgan, and several members of the gang face a life of racing as clashes with rival gangs and the law make their situation more desperate.

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Rockstar also released a description of the plot:

America, in 1899. The end of the Wild West era began as lawmen hunt down the latest gangs of outlaws. Those who do not surrender or do not succumb are killed. After a flight in the western city of Blackwater, Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are forced to flee. With federal agents and the nation's best bounty hunters hitting their heels, the gang must fly, fly and fight their way through America's hilly heart to survive. While the intensification of internal divisions threatened to separate the gang, Arthur must choose between his own ideals and his loyalty to the gang that raised him.

The first revelation

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Launched on October 20, 2016, the first trailer of Red Dead Redemption 2 was a piece of humor that featured many locations of the game, while portraying the dark tone of the main narrative. In this caravan we saw several cities and localities, many of which are full of life and activities – such as cattle ranchers, hunters who bring back their cattle and a group of citizens who hang out in the general store.

Who do we play as?

Although the Red Dead Redemption's central character, John Marston, plays a certain role in the story, the main protagonist of this film is Arthur Morgan. As the Dutch right-hand man and gang execution agent, he will take on a lot of the day-to-day tasks of keeping the gang in check – which includes a younger and less experienced John Marston. When it comes to keeping the gang and its community afloat, Morgan is very helpful in picking up various jobs in order to make sure everyone is well fed and in a good mood. But as the story progresses, he will begin to question his own determination of the Dutch way of life and determine if he still has a place in the gang. .

The second trailer

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September 28, 2017, the second trailer of Red Dead Redemption 2 has started. In the new pictures, we could see more of Arthur Morgan and how he can be ruthless at work. In some storytelling scenes, Morgan will use coercion and physical threats to collect money and information, all for the benefit of the community. For more information on this trailer, check out our detailed breakdown.

Who is in the Dutch gang?

In Red Dead Redemption 2 we will see the Dutch gang and its main actors at their peak. While the original game had forced John to hunt down and kill the remaining gang members, we will see many familiar faces in relatively happier moments. In the most recent trailer, we see Van der Linde, Arthur Morgan, Bill Williamson, Javier Esquela, Sadie Adler, Charles Smith, Micah Bell, Hosea Matthews and of course John Marston on the list. We will also interact with other characters who would play a key role in the gang and in the life of Arthur Morgan and John Marston.

The third trailer

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In the new feature released May 2, we saw a closer look at the story of the game and how it works. In addition to familiar activities such as hunting, burglaries and side quests with the citizens of the area, they steal trains and banks and attend theatrical performances. In most cases, the trailer focuses on the many relationships you will have with gang members, as well as how your choices will affect them. For more information on the third trailer, see our detailed breakdown.

First gameplay trailer

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On August 9, Rockstar unveiled the first gameplay trailer of Red Dead Redemption 2. The new footage revealed that the basic mechanics of the original game were still intact, but almost everything had been improved. The wildlife is smarter and lives in its own ecosystem. Arthur Morgan can interact with people around him, as John Marston could never.

What's new in Red Dead Redemption 2?

While the sequel is largely in the same vein as its predecessor, focusing on exploration, hunting, shootings, burglaries and other parallel activities where you will interact with a number of unique characters. Wider world to dive into We had our first look at this world and how we are going to play in the first Read Dead Redemption gameplay trailer below.

The original game's honor system is making a comeback, but now with a much more detailed follow-up. With the average citizen, members of your community will respond to the way you treat or care for them. As the implementation manager, Morgan will have many responsibilities, such as collecting resources, buying funds and ensuring everyone's satisfaction.

There is a ton of new mechanics in Red Dead Redemption 2. For more details on each new feature of the game, check out our full list of all the new features we have discovered so far.

How it is played: our in-depth overview

We have recently seen an almost final version of Red Dead Redemption 2. It plays a bit like its predecessor, but with a host of new features and new systems that enhance its storytelling, combat and overall progress. We have experienced two missions, as well as a chance to go around the world open. There is a lot to unwrap on the look and feel of the suite, so be sure to read our detailed overview detailing our impressions of how it is played.

How does online multiplayer work?

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Currently, Rockstar has not shared any information about the operation of the online game. The original Red Dead Redemption featured free online gameplay for all and a team match style in the open world, as well as several cooperative-themed missions. Although we can assume that this kind of missions will come back, another persistent rumor is the appearance of a royal battle mode. Rockstar recently confirmed that a public beta for the online mode is scheduled for one month after the game's launch.

How can I play RDR2? When is its release date?

Red Dead Redemption 2 is due out October 26 for PS4 and Xbox One. There are also plans for a collection edition of the game called the special edition. At $ 80, the package includes a copy of the game as well as special missions, weapons and a physical map of the game world that players must have. There are also two extra packs for Red Dead Redemption 2 for premium prizes, The Ultimate Edition and The Collector's Box – both priced at $ 100. While The Ultimate Edition contains all the elements of the special edition – including additional DLC items to acquire – The Collector's Box does not include any digital items. Instead, it offers special playing cards, works of art, a bandit bandanna, a physical map of the game world and a collector's item in the set.

Although the original Red Dead Redemption has never found its place on the PC, there have been rumors that this sequel might happen. A mention of the appearance of Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC was found online, but has since been removed.

PS4 Pro Bundle

Although the system itself does not present a unique design, there will be a Red Dead Redemption 2 PS4 Pro pack. At the price of $ 400 in the United States, you basically get a copy of the game for free. However, this does not include any of the special editions mentioned above; it's just a standard version of the game. The bundle is available for pre-order now.

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