Red Dead Redemption 2 players continue to find scary Easter eggs


Red Dead Redemption 2 is dedicated to making you feel like you're living in a realistic old west. But, as in previous Rockstar games, if you look at the right place or if you visit a place at a certain time, you might find something odd and even paranormal. Bigfoot was included in the first Red Dead Redemption& # 39; s Undead Nightmare DLC, UFOs appear in GTA V and other Rockstar games have long had myths about aliens, zombies and more. Red Dead Redemption 2 is not different. Players find all kinds of strange things around the massive map.

SPOILERS BELOW. Some images reveal weapons, places, characters, and other endgame content.

UFOs and Aliens

One of the first and weird things that players have found in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a UFO encounter in a small hut in the woods. When I first saw a tweet about a UFO discovered, I thought it was a lie or something subtle, like a shooting star that paranoid fans misidentified. Then I saw some video evidence.

Yup, it's a real UFO. The strange spacecraft flies over a small cabin at night. Inside, you'll find a ton of skeletons and a note referring to visitors traveling in galaxies and in time. Many assume that the people who left the note were part of a cult that worshiped UFOs.

After finding this first UFO, the community discovered a second UFO. This one can be spotted on top of a mountain in another part of the map.

It is a different shape and color of the first UFO. Maybe another alien species? Some fans are already hoping for an extraterrestrial invasion DLC similar to the zombie DLC of the first game.

Beyond UFOs, fans also find other evidence of aliens in RDR2. In some areas of the map, players have spotted strange drawings that seem to represent aliens, UFOs and other strange symbols.

Fans have also found a map that seems to drive them to meet the UFO mountain, but the debate over what the map really means is still going on. With so many places to explore, fans are still in their infancy to solve this potential mystery.

The strange man and the scary cabin

The Strange Man is the character of one of the Red Dead RedemptionThe most memorable quest lines. This is a middle-aged or slightly older man who wears a nice suit and a top hat. He gives the main character John various missions that test his morality. He claims to know who John is and at the end of the game he is apparently revealed that he is immortal or at least unscathed from bullets. The players theorized about the strange man since RDR was published in 2010, with many believing to be God or the devil, or maybe a demon.

Well, The Strange Man appears in Red Dead Redemption 2. This time it is more hidden and harder to find.

The players first discovered a strange hut containing an unfinished painting and scribbling messages on the walls. Visiting the hut throughout the story revealed that the painting was changing and ending gradually. Finally, after finishing 100%, the players discovered that the painting was a portrait of The Strange Man.

Many players think that the cabin is directly connected to the mysterious figure and they have also found something very scary inside. If you look at the mirror of the wooden cabin at the right angle, you will see The Strange Man watching you from behind. Turn around and he is not behind you. This seems to be more proof that The Strange Man is supernatural.

There is currently a popular theory about The Strange Man that surrounds it, poisoning Armadillo's water and concluding an agreement with one of the city's inhabitants. Again, we are still in the early stages, so some or all of this information may be false or incomplete. But The Strange Man is already one of the most frightening discoveries of RDR2.

Ghosts, vampires and other scary people

At the bottom of marshes Red Dead Redemption 2, the players found a ghostly woman who seems to haunt the scene. She is the ghost of Agnès Dowd, a woman who seems to have been a rich socialite. His ghost now resides in Lemoyne's exchanges. Players can meet her 16 times. Sometimes she can be seen, other times only heard.

She is not the only ghost to haunt the game. Also found near the Lemoyne Marshes is a ghostly train. The train only appears at night and will scare your horse when it gets closer. You can not really interact with it, so you probably can not stop it.

Another paranormal discovery was discovered in Blackwater. After solving a series of puzzles located in the southern city, players can find a man who drinks the blood of a person he has killed. The man calls himself "Vampire" in the game and claims to be an undead blood sucker. Players can face the vampire, who will attack them.

Although he can be killed with bullets, the vampire is extremely strong and is able to kill the player in one shot. Once killed, the vampire drops his bat wings. Strangely, loot the vampire's body when you do not have enough free space, bring your bag to display the notification you see when you strip an animal while having a complete inventory. So, it seems that whatever this thing is, it's not human.

Another group the players are addressing is The Nite Folk. These individuals crawl and wander around the marshes of RDR2. They have pale skin and are usually covered with blood and mud. They do not seem to use guns, but rather knives and ambushes to unsuspecting players. Many think that they may be undead, even though I think they're probably just a mere band of scary people. Whatever the case, the Nite Folk make the night crossing of the marsh a dangerous and frightening adventure.

Time Traveler and the cult of Epsilon

Fans think that a character you meet during a parallel mission might actually travel back in time. He's called Francis Sinclair. When you arrive for the first time, the man behaves strangely and uses words that Arthur Morgan does not understand. He wants you to find rock carvings and explain that he is lost. After finding all the sculptures, Arthur returns and finds a woman with a baby. When Arthur asks for her husband, she says that he died more than a year ago. He called Tom. His baby is called Francis. He has red hair and the same birthmark as the adult Francis Arthur met earlier.

There is more evidence of time travel in a cabin, where players can see a great waste of papers and art, which seem to show an adult Francis visiting the pyramids of Egypt.

One last interesting detail about this potential temporal traveler is that his birth mark is very similar to the birth mark illustration found on the Epsilon cult website of the game in GTA V. The birthmark is supposedly a sign that a person bearing the mark is a descendant of Kaff, an important figure of false religion. Is this man the founder or member of Epsilon? Does this connect GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2?

Red Dead Redemption 2 is filled with many mysteries and strange things. This article covers only some of the most interesting discoveries. But the players also discovered an anaconda, a giant human skeleton and a common pit of kidnapped football players.

After years of fans in search of mythical creatures and ghosts, it seems that Rockstar has begun to really look into this part of the world. GTA V had UFOs, ghosts and extraterrestrials. And now Red Dead Redemption 2 has even more bizarre creatures and paranormal secrets for players to dig. I'm sure fans will find even more quirks hidden in this strange and wild west.

Zack Zwiezen is a writer living in Kansas City, Missouri. He has written for Gamecritics, Killscreen and Entertainment Fuse.

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