Red Dead Redemption 2 Release Date, Rewards, Different Versions – Pre-Order Guide (US)


The release of Rockstar's next open-world game, Red Dead Redemption 2, is so close that you can almost hear the gunshots and feel the dust of the old west. When new Rockstar games come out, they tend to be landmark events in the video game world. From everything we've seen so far, including our hands-on playing time, Red Dead Redemption 2 promises to be one of the biggest games of the game. ;year.

To get the game to the US as soon as possible, you can get it from GameStop or Best Buy at 9 pm local time on October 25th. If you pre-order a digital copy of the game, you can already load it now. You may need to first remove a game (or 10) from your hard drive because a game of this size has an identical setup size. Your copy will be playable around 12:00 pm ET on October 26th.

If you wait impatiently for the reflections of the critics, the first reviews of the RDR 2 will arrive at the beginning of October 25th. You can expect an avalanche of additional information.

The game itself is starring Arthur Morgan and the Dutch gang van der Linde – whose members include John Marston, the star of the original game. The RDR 2 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be available on October 26, 2018. Its online multiplayer mode, Red Dead Online, will be launched in beta at some point in November; an exact date has not yet been confirmed. All owners of the base game will receive free access to it, which will not be available separately.

You do not have to wait until October 26 to secure your copy – you can pre-order Red Dead Redemption 2 right now from a number of retailers, in-store and online. Here's all the information you need to know to lock your Red Dead pre-order.

Red Dead Redemption Pre-order Bonus 2

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Pre-order Red Dead Redemption 2, and you'll get some digital bonuses for your problem.

  • Warhorse: Ardennes war horse with superior courage and endurance than the average horse.
  • The Outlaw Survival Kit: Contains a collection of key supplies, including items to restore health, Dead Eye, etc.

If you pre-order a digital edition of the game, you can start downloading it on Friday, October 19th. You will not be able to play the game before the game's launch on the 26th, but downloading it early means that you will not have to wait for the massive download once the game is available.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Digital Preorder Bonus

Anyone who pre-order a digital version of Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation Store or the Xbox Store will get the bonuses listed above, as well as a handful of other free digital gifts for good measure.

  • Cash Bonus for the Story Mode of Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Treasure map: gives you a head start in the hunt for hidden riches. You must pre-order by July 31, 2018 to receive.
  • GTA $ Bonus: Instant download containing the game's motto for Grand Theft Auto Online. Here is the breakdown of the amount of GTA $ you receive for each edition: Standard Edition – $ 500,000 | Special Edition – $ 1 Million | Ultimate Edition – $ 2 million.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Standard Edition

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This edition is accompanied by the relevant pre-order bonuses listed above, as well as the basic game. Here is where you can pre-order it.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Special Edition

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The special edition of Red Dead Redemption 2 comes with the main game as well as the following items.

  • World's map
  • Bank Robbery Mission and Gang Hideout in Story Mode
  • Dappled Black Thoroughbred: A racehorse with exceptional speed and acceleration; he comes with a special saddle.
  • Talisman and Medallion game bonuses: These special story mode items will help Arthur as soon as they are equipped.
  • Increase in the game, bonuses and reductions
  • The Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger outfit: Inspired by the clothes worn by the vaqueros and banditos south of the border.
  • Free access to three additional weapons: a volcanic pistol, a shotgun and a Lancaster Varmint rifle.

Here is where you can buy the special edition.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition

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The ultimate edition includes all the content of the special edition, as well as the following.

  • Bonus outfits: Blackrose Bounty Hunter outfit and Copperhead Enforcer outfit.
  • Thoroughbred Black Chestnut: A racehorse and a special saddle, both available online.
  • Free access to the survivor camp theme
  • Free Access to Additional Weapons: Get free access to the Lancaster Varmint Volcanic Pistol, Shotgun and Rifle Online.
  • Ranking Bonus: As an ideal starting point for all Ultimate Edition players, you can rank faster online, up to rank 25.

Here is where you can pre-order the ultimate edition.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Collection Box

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First of all, it is important to note that the Collector's Box does not include the game. So, if you pre-order the game, make sure to get a separate copy of the game, otherwise you will be very disappointed on the day of the launch. What the collection box includes is a bunch of physical treats.

  • Metal tithe box with lock and key
  • Collectible
  • Double sided puzzle
  • Bandana Six Shooter
  • Treasure map
  • Pin set
  • Play cards
  • Wheeler Catalog, Rawson & Co.
  • 12 cigarette cards

Here is where you can pre-order the collector's box.

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