Red Dead Redemption 2 Xbox One File Size Revealed – Game Rant


Several weeks ago, the art of the box for Red Dead Redemption 2The PlayStation 4 Pro offer has revealed that the upcoming Open World Western game file will occupy a lot of space on the PS4, requiring a minimum installation size of 105 GB. Now, the file size of the Xbox version One of Rockstar Games has been confirmed thanks to an official online list accessible via the Microsoft Store.

according to Red Dead Redemption 2On the Microsoft Store home page, Xbox One players will need about 88.57 GB for the game to work on the current Gen console. In this case, fans who look forward to the title might want to free up storage space soon, as RDR2 should go out officially in stores in just over a week.


Some might think that the aforementioned file sizes of the 105GB PS4 version and 88.57GB Xbox One iteration seem a little complicated, but it should be noted that this may be a Suggested amount of space that players will want to keep out of the way. Red Dead Redemption 2. After all, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 It was originally announced that the first update had been updated, which then led the first-person shooter to take about 55 GB in total.

In view of all this, it is possible that the inscription on the list Red Dead Redemption 2The file size on Xbox One could change by the time it is released at the end of the month. So, in this case, we will just have to be patient and see how big Rockstar Western Western will be. Fortunately, players will not have to wait too long before they can get their hands on a copy of the game and find out.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is due out October 26, 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Source: Microsoft

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