Red launches new Hydrogen One phone, promises to give buyers a free aluminum version


There are more problems for the first smartphone of the manufacturer of cameras Red, the Hydrogen One. Company founder, Jim Jannard, announced today that the titanium version of the phone was delayed. The aluminum version still seems on track for an outing in October. Jannard attributes this delay to supply chain issues and to the fact that the company's external manufacturers have not been able to create enough devices to cover all pre-orders.

In the meantime, he writes that all titanium customers will receive an aluminum Hydrogen One at launch. Once the titanium available, he will also receive it and can keep the first phone. That's good because we have no idea how long it will take to get this titanium phone. The device has been delayed several times now. It was originally supposed to be shipped this summer, which was later postponed until the end of the summer, and is now supposed to be October for preorders and November more widely. We will see what happens as we get closer to the date.

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