Redesign of the Apple Privacy website with iOS 12, Mojave


Apple has updated its website dedicated to privacy today, as it usually does every year after the release of the new iPhone and the new version of iOS. The new Apple Privacy website provides a detailed analysis of the company's actions to protect user privacy and data through its latest software and hardware updates.

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Apple first launched its privacy tool for users in May, but has limited the main download functionality to the European Union in order to comply with GDPR. Through this portal, users can download a copy of their data from Apple applications and services:

Download a copy of your data from Apple applications and services. This can include your history of buying or using apps, and the data you store with Apple, such as calendars, photos, or documents.

Starting today, however, Australian, US, New Zealand and Canadian users can download their data via Apple's data and privacy portal.

The main objective of the Apple Privacy website is that the company explains how it designs its hardware and software to ensure the privacy of users. Apple says it considers privacy to be a basic human right:

At Apple, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. And much of your personal information (information that you have the right to keep confidential) is stored on your Apple devices. Your heart rate after a race. Which news did you read first? Where you bought your last coffee. Which websites you visit. Who you call, send an email or message.

Every Apple product is designed from the ground up to protect that information. And to allow you to choose what you share and with whom. We have proven time and again that great experiences do not have to be at the expense of your privacy and security. Instead, they can support them.

Among the updates to this year's Apple Privacy website, are new details about the features of iOS 12, including Screen Time. Apple explains that Screen Time data is only accessible by yourself, and not by Apple itself or third parties:

You can also use Screen Time to better understand and choose the time that your kids spend on the use of apps and websites. Activity reports give you a detailed overview of their usage, notifications and device collections – information that is only accessible by you, never by Apple or third parties. And you can set the amount of time your kids can spend each day on specific apps and websites.

As for CarPlay, which now supports Google Maps and Waze, Apple says it "will still need third-party applications to provide a privacy policy for verification purposes."

Apple also provides details on Apple Music Friends, stating that it can only access the contacts you have chosen to add to Apple Music Friends, not your full contact list.

For Safari on iOS 12 and macOS Mojave, Apple points out that enhancements to Intelligent Tracking Prevention prevent third-party sites from "creating cookies or storing data" on their own – only when you provide your "explicit consent".

The new Apple Privacy website also introduces Create ML and Core ML, new developer-enabled machine learning frameworks that enable them to "create powerful new applications experiences that do not require your data to leave your device" .

Ultimately, Apple's Privacy Web page is intended to demonstrate its commitment to minimize data collection, to dissociate the user from any collected data, and to be transparent about its privacy practices. Last month, Tim Cook reaffirmed that Apple does not subscribe to the need to collect user data to improve its products and services:

The story that some companies will try to make you believe is: "I have to use all your data to improve my services." Well, do not believe it. Whoever tells you – it's a bunch of bonk.

Apple's recently updated privacy website can be viewed here.

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