Release date on Xbox Two: When the rival PlayStation arrives? Latest news PS4 and Xbox One | Game | Entertainment


The latest news about rival Xbox Two and PlayStation

The latest news about rival Xbox Two and PlayStation (Image: SONY)

There has not been a big announcement from Microsoft when their next console will be available.

And apart from the tech giant, no one can be sure when the new rival of the PlayStation will be revealed, or even what it could be called.

Naming the Xbox Two seems rather unlikely, while the code name of Project Scarlett probably will not arrive at the end product either.

And this remains a very controversial topic when one or the other company will reveal the big news of the next generation versions.

The new rumors about Xbox are numerous, even if we are still far from the full launch, or a successor of PS4.

But the news on the Xbox Two – Project Scarlett – may fall much earlier than expected by some fans.

A new rumor has surfaced suggesting that information will be shared on the Xbox Scarlett project later this year.

If we believe recent reports, we can learn more about the new Xbox console before 2019.

Sony should launch the PS5 in 2020

Sony should launch the PS5 in 2020 (Image: SONY)

The new information was shared on 4Chan's newsgroups, a user posting supposed details about a new Justice League game released by Rocksteady.

According to the new leak, the new game Justice League will be a new generation title, available on Xbox 2, PS5 and PC.

The poster also insists that news from the upcoming Xbox console will be teased later this year, before a full revelation in 2019.

The message reads: "More details on the new Xbox system later this year with a full revelation in early 2019. The PS5 will also be announced in early 2019.

"All heroes are early enough in their careers. Batman is still considered an urban legend by anyone outside Gotham, Superman is not yet the "protector of the world" and WW is still on Themyscira. Aquaman is still in the sea, GL is in space and Wally is not even a hero yet.

News related to the upcoming Xbox console would be a huge surprise for many players this year, especially those who were ready to wait for new information.

In addition, the release date of the PS5 should be announced for 2020 or early 2021.

The players of the PS4 and the Xbox could know more about next-gen in 2019

The players of the PS4 and the Xbox could know more about next-gen in 2019 (Image: SONY)

So, to know more about next generation Sony and Microsoft consoles in early 2019 would certainly be an interesting revelation.

It should be noted that this information has not been shared by an official source and must be taken with a large pinch of salt.

There is no way to confirm if any of this information is true or if it is disclosed online as a joke.

Rocksteady has been associated with a new DC game project, which many believe would include Superman.

Thus, a game offering gameplay throughout the Justice League would be another great announcement for the players.

And it turns out that there is a new Xbox event on the horizon, which could include the big revelation of the Xbox 2.

The Xbox X0 conference will be held in November and could be the perfect platform for fans to learn more about the upcoming Xbox console.

During the E3 2018, the Xbox had hinted that two new consoles could be considered, and did not hesitate as much as Sony by sharing details on the PS5.

The leader of the Xbox, Larry & # 39; Major Nelson & # 39; Hryb was forced to publish a statement earlier this year, about what many fans thought was a Gamescom hardware index.

According to Hryb, the original Xbox blog was published by mistake, and a new Xbox will not be released to Gamescom.

"It was a mistake on my side," Hryb tweeted. "I corrected my blog post and noted that it had been updated in the title and body." Xbox Wire was accurate.

Referring to a possible revelation of the Xbox Two, the original message promised "all new Xbox hardware and accessories" for Gamescom.

It was recently revealed that Sony would stop production of the PS Vita and exclude another handheld device.

Although it seemed pretty obvious that Sony was not turning to more portable gaming devices, it still means that the PS5 will be without a handheld.

This means that the PS5 will not have the form of a Nintendo Switch aspirant, but also that there will be no handheld support for the PS5.

Hiroyuki Oda, vice president of Sony Interactive Entertainment, told Famitsu:

"As for the PlayStation Vita, we will continue production until 2019 in Japan. The expedition will end. "

It is logical that Sony wants to put an end to PS Vita after a long period on the market.

The system has never reached its full potential and has not been able to leverage third party support to move to the next phase of sales.

However, there were still hopes and persistent rumors that Sony could try again, following the success of the Nintendo Switch.

But as the PS5 is expected to reach the markets by 2020-2021, it is clear that it will not happen with a PS Vita 2.

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