Release dates of the game in July 2018: Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC


We are in July, which means we have finally reached the second half of 2018. The summer is generally reputed to be a rather dry period for exciting games, but this month seems to have some interesting headlines to keep you busy sunny days. In the month of July, there is a surprising amount of remasters and re-releases looking to find new homes on PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One – which includes Sonic Mania Plus and the cleverly Red Faction: Guerilla Re- March- Limited Edition. Although remasters and ports are common, July certainly has them in abundance.

With these remasters, we also have the first releases of Octopath Traveler and The Banner Saga 3, which should keep RPG fans and strategy engaged sometimes. For a more in-depth look at all of this year's most memorable games, check out our more detailed list of what's new here:

Octopath Traveler (Nintendo Switch) – July 13

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Set for July 13 for the switch, Octopath Traveler is the long-awaited return of Square-Enix to the classic 2D RPG gameplay that fans have sucked into. With a visual style that recreates these familiar old school graphics for the HD era, you will gather a team of heroes, level up and fight off bandits and other monsters in a world of myth and fantasy. mystery.

Further reading:

Sonic Mania Plus (Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One) – July 17

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Coming almost a year after the release of the original version, Sonic Mania Plus plans to offer new and old players the purest form of classic Sonic the gameplay. Hedgehog. Coming to the Nintendo Switch, the PS4 and the Xbox One on July 17, Sega's next big comeback to traditional Sonic action will include new levels, more secrets and two more characters in the form of Mighty the Armadillo, and Ray the Flying Squirrel– both have long been missing since their appearance in the arcade version of SegaSonic the Hedgehog.

Further reading:

The Banner Saga 3 (PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One) – July 24

  No legend provided

The Banner Saga series was born from # 39; Kickstarter success story. She has gone from the hope of crowdfunding to a series of exciting games. With the third episode approaching its release, the developers behind the punitive RPG aim to give an appropriate conclusion to the main story, while offering more difficult battles and difficult decisions to take to stay alive in an environment hostile.

Other readings:

Complete Program of July

Game Program Release Date
Guerilla of Red Faction: Re-Mars-tered Edition PS4, PC, Xbox One 3 July
Runbow Nintendo Switch 3 July
Resonance Chorus Shiver PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One 10 July
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 [19659366] Xbox One July 11
Ys: Memories of Celceta PC July 11
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Nintendo 3DS, Switch 13 July
Octopath Nintendo Switch July 13
Adventure: Pirates of the Enchiridion Switc h, 3DS July 17
Sonic Mania Plus PS4, Switch, Xbox One July 17


PC, PS4, Xbox One July 19

Mega Man Collection X Legacy 1 + 2

PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One July 24
Sky Without Man Xbox One July 24
The Banner Saga 3 PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One July 24
Go Vacation PS4, Xbox One, PC July 27
Hello Neighbor ] iOS, Android, PS4, Switch

July 27

Code of Princess EX PS4, PS Vita July 31
Titan Quest Switch

31 July

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