Release Notes for the Google App, Gmail, Translate, Home, Play Books and Fit (November 21, 2018)


Every week, I review a hundred application updates while looking for changes. The most interesting things turn into APK Teardowns or Download posts. Many of the remaining updates are insignificant: there are some bugfixes, routine library updates, or even pixel level adjustments to layouts and images. However, there are usually some updates that fall somewhere in between. I do not want to spam readers with dozens of short messages, but I do not like to ignore things that people might want to know about. I will summarize the remains for a short weekend reading and call them Update Notes.

Special thanks to מ for the big hero picture on this post!

Gmail v8.10.21

If you've already created a Gmail account, you've probably already noticed the density setting at some point. It is easy to choose one of the three levels of information density proposed in the list. Options include: default, comfortable and compact. Although the Gmail app offers many of the same options as the web interface, this one is not included, but it looks like it will be soon. Three strings have been added with names corresponding to the three layout options available on the Web.

<chain first name="densité_option_confortable" />
<chain first name="densité_option_compacte" />
<chain first name="densité_option_default" />

Examples of three different modes from the web interface.

The strings are currently empty, but it's not hard to see what will be in it. Nevertheless, these options will probably be put online in the future, not with this update. This is something to hope if you prefer one of the styles that are not currently offered in the Android app.


Translate v5.25

This update was really slight about the changes, and most of what changed was actually the removal of some useless texts that resulted in a drop of about 300 KB in the APK. Nevertheless, there are some small additions to note.

More speed options

According to a new line, there are new speed options for voice output. This is not really true, or at least not yet, so it seems to me that this is a plan for the future.

<chain first name="entry_whats_new_speeds">More speed options now available for voice output</chain>

The current options are Normal, Slow, and Slow. My assumption is that Google will add faster options … but I guess we can not exclude "Ultra Slow".

Google Translate
Google Translate

Google Play Books v4.5

The Play Books app has not been particularly active in recent months, but the updates seem to have been focused on bug fixes and other improvements made behind the scenes.

Android Auto Settings

The latest update prepares a settings screen for audio books in the car. The activity of this screen is actually exported and can thus be launched freely with adb or an application.

<activity Android:first name="" Android:exported="true" Android:label="@ string / app_settings_activity_title" Android:theme="@ style / SettingsActivity">
<intention filter>
<action Android:first name="android.intent.action.APPLICATION_PREFERENCES" />
</intention filter>

At this point, the settings screen contains only one flip-flop for the smart recovery function. This changes the forward and skip buttons so that they jump at the beginning of a phrase rather than in the middle, which makes the context of the jump a little clearer. I'm expecting more options to be added on time, but that's all for now. Until now, the settings screen does not seem to be live, but I would not rule out the possibility that it will be in the near future.

Google Play Books
Google Play Books

Google app v8.55

As we have already seen, not all updates to the Google app have an interesting element. Version 8.55 lands squarely on this territory with many minor revisions and many similar texts describing no new or improved functionality. It's really not worth training our readers for cheap page views. However, there is a piece that was at least a little fun.

Google Lens hiring

It seems that the Google Lens team is looking to attract a few more people into the circle. The promotional messages shown to other Googlers include the words "We are hiring!" The goal is obviously to cannibalize the developers of other teams. According to what has been said, this is not a rare practice in the business, but it is quite rare that messages like this materialize. inside an application.

<chain first name="lens_hiring_promo">We hire!</chain>

Tracking: Shared Collections

Last week, we discussed an upcoming feature that will allow users to share their collections with other people. There is nothing substantial here, but there is now a title for a screen that will list all the collections that have been shared with you. At least, this gives a little more insight into the experience of looking at other people's collections.

<chain first name="collections_list_shared_with_me">Shared with me</chain>


Google Home v2.7

Some changes have been made to the latest Google Home update, but they have proven to be appropriate for quick previewing with screen captures rather than for a dedicated release.

Delete voice correspondence

There is now an option to remove your voice match profile from Google Home and most other devices supported by the wizard. In fact, although this is called the option, it really means that you completely unlink your account from a device. This is something you could have done before from the voice mapping screen, but there is now a new shortcut to get to the same place.

Some visual changes

Left: v2.6. Right: v2.7.

Like most updates, there are some cosmetic changes. This time, it seems that most of them appear in configuration screens, like the ones above for Digital Wellbeing. – Thank you, QikOver.

Minimum brightness settings for Home Hub

If you are the proud owner of a smart screen, you must now have a new setting to control the minimum brightness of the screen. You will have four options: bright, bright, toned and dark.

<chain first name="min_brightness_mode_setting_title">Minimum brightness</chain>
<chain first name="min_brightness_mode_setting_description">Set the minimum brightness of the screen</chain>
<chain first name="min_brightness_mode_button_label_brighter">Brighter</chain>
<chain first name="min_brightness_mode_button_label_bright">bright</chain>
<chain first name="min_brightness_mode_button_label_dim">Low</chain>
<chain first name="min_brightness_mode_button_label_dark">Dark</chain>

Wifi settings

Finally, there are many new texts and activities related to the configuration of Wi-Fi networks. It is not entirely clear when it comes to configuring Wi-Fi networks. Fi should be used, but some of the strings are linked to mesh networks. It can also be used to manage settings and pairings of devices that connect or connect. extend mesh deployments.

<chain first name="wifi_header_general">General</chain>
<chain first name="wifi_header_network">Network</chain><chain first name="wifi_title_advanced_settings">Advanced Networking</chain>
<chain first name="wifi_title_points_settings">Point</chain><chain first name="wifi_network_map_devices_button">Wifi test</chain>
<chain first name="wifi_network_map_devices_label">devices</chain>
<chain first name="wifi_network_map_internet_button">Network check</chain>
<chain first name="wifi_network_map_internet_label">Download speed</chain>
<chain first name="wifi_network_map_mesh_button">Test the mesh</chain>
<chain first name="wifi_network_map_mesh_label">Points</chain><chain first name="wifi_description_advanced_settings">DNS, WAN, LAN, more …</chain>
<chain first name="wifi_description_network_settings">Wi-Fi network, password protected</chain>
<chain first name="wifi_description_points_settings">Details, device settings, restart …</chain>
<chain first name="wifi_device_count_fmt">% d devices are connected.</chain><chain first name="wifi_accessibility_open_settings">Wifi settings open</chain>

<activity Android:first name="" Android:exported="false" Android:label="@ string / media_screen_title" />
<activity Android:first name="" flag="wifi_coin_enabled" Android:exported="false" />
<activity Android:first name="" flag="wifi_coin_enabled" Android:exported="false" />
<activity Android:first name="" flag="wifi_coin_enabled" Android:exported="false" />
<activity Android:first name="" flag="wifi_coin_enabled" Android:exported="false" />
<activity Android:first name="" flag="wifi_coin_enabled" Android:exported="false" />

Google Home
Google Home

Google Fit v2.05

Since the launch of the new version of Google Fit in August, the application is not much more remarkable. Nevertheless, there are still some activities worth mentioning, even if it's just to show that something is going on behind the scenes.

New types of activity

Two new types of activity have been added in the last two updates. The first one was about guided breathing, which appeared in v2.04, and the last update of v2.05 added sleep. Notably, this still does not seem to be a visible activity in the application, but we will obviously see it coming online later.

<chain first name="activity_type_guided_breathing">Guided breathing</chain>
<chain first name="activity_type_guided_breathing_name">Guided breathing</chain>
<chain first name="activity_type_guided_breathing_verb">Guided breathing</chain>2.05
<chain first name="activity_type_sleep">Sleeping</chain>
<chain first name="activity_type_sleep_name">To sleep</chain>
<chain first name="activity_type_sleep_verb">To sleep</chain>

"Celebrations" for good workouts

Motivational words have been shown to help people move, and Google Fit has always been keen to use this strategy. There is nothing exceptional about this, but four new sets of messages will be used to positively reinforce the workouts. They are divided into small, medium, large and mega trainings.

<chain first name="small_celebration_1">Every activity counts!</chain>
<chain first name="small_celebration_2">Help your heart</chain>
<chain first name="small_celebration_3">All in one day of work!</chain>
<chain first name="small_celebration_4">Make every minute count!</chain><chain first name="medium_celebration_1">You have shaken it!</chain>
<chain first name="medium_celebration_2">Intensify your game!</chain>
<chain first name="medium_celebration_3">You have moved up a gear!</chain>
<chain first name="medium_celebration_4">Enter your stride!</chain>
<chain first name="medium_celebration_5">You have risen by one notch!</chain><chain first name="large_celebration_1">What a training session!</chain>
<chain first name="large_celebration_2">You really pushed it!</chain>
<chain first name="large_celebration_3">Next level training!</chain>
<chain first name="large_celebration_4">Your heart thanks you!</chain>

<chain first name="mega_celebration_2">Unstoppable!</chain>
<chain first name="mega_celebration_3">Keep increasing the intensity!</chain>
<chain first name="mega_celebration_4">Phew! It was intense!</chain>
<chain first name="mega_celebration_5">What a training session. You deserve a break!</chain>

And, perhaps, the Google Fit consulting features can begin with suggesting workouts or asking users to rate workouts based on their level of intensity. Low, moderate and high intensity levels are named, and each is accompanied by a basic description of the effects of such training.

<chain first name="session_effort">Effort</chain>
<chain first name="session_effort_accessibility">Item Effort</chain>
<chain first name="session_low_intensity">Low intensity</chain>
<chain first name="session_low_intensity_description">Normal breathing, could have a conversation or sing</chain>
<chain first name="intensité_session_modérée">Moderate intensity</chain>
<chain first name="session_moderate_intensity_description">Heavy breathing, could have a short conversation but do not sing</chain>
<chain first name="session_high_intensity">High intensity</chain>
<chain first name="session_high_intensity_description">Out of breath, could only speak in short sentences</chain>

Google Fit: monitoring health and activities
Google Fit: monitoring health and activities
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