Review of Fortnite Season 6: Does the world's most popular game keep pace? | Games


FThe developer ortnite Epic Games has held its name with the launch of season six. Arriving last Thursday, the latest installment of the Battle Royale mastodon saw a large piece of land being ripped off of Lake Loot and turning into a floating sky island backed by the purple interdimensional cube that hovers over the map for weeks.

But it was not the only major change in the map or the strange mythology that seems to underlie everything that happens in the game. These are the new key places to explore and the features to play with.

The floating island (of course)

The Fortnite Floating Island

The Fortnite Floating Island. Photo: Fortnite

Originally located above Loot Lake, in the center of the map, it now seems to embark on a guided tour of the island. This vast expanse of land hovers for hundreds of meters in the sky and can be reached by jumping in an ascending swirl. For a few days, it was the place to land, temporarily replacing Tilted Towers, which meant it was basically carnage. As long as you're still busy, you can at least land and explore for a few seconds before you start shooting.

This is easily the highest point of the map, so it is useful for exploring the landscape and finding the position of other players; it's also a good place to go if you need to get out of a fight. The fact that it is moving gradually will change tactical importance and become a handy sniper platform when it is near higher altitudes.

For now, the novelty of landing on an element as high and condensed, or float to the ground from the ground, positions it as the flagship element of the scene.

The bunker complex

Part of the bunker now discovered under the maze of Wailing Woods

Part of the bunker is now discovered beneath the Wailing Woods maze, with Dusty Depot painting. Photo: Fortnite

In recent seasons, a strange bunker entrance was hidden in the Wailing Woods. Although some players have managed to sneak in, this is one of the most enduring mysteries of the island. Until now. Dig through the base of the building in the middle of the labyrinth and access a huge underground research base, with the same metal corridors as we see in the abandoned facilities in the woods near Dusty Divot, as well as interesting little eggs from Easter (a picture of the original Dusty deposit on an office wall) and a test chamber with its own flaw.

Was it the site of a great scientific experiment? From the arrival of the comment until the launch of the rocket at the end of the fourth season, we know that Fortnite Battle Royale has a mysterious narrative involving extraterrestrial visitors and sinister characters such as Omen and Omega. part of this story. In addition, there are a lot of tunnel exits still blocked, which go in different directions.

Elsewhere in the Wailing Woods region, several new cabins also have access to a network of underground tunnels, but again, the passages are currently closed. It would appear that Epic Games has a completely underground play area laid out for the game.

The nerve of arms

Season 6 did not bring much in terms of combat arsenal, but it also neutralized or removed some key elements. The double rifle now does much less damage, with 40 life on a body shot, which places it well behind the heavy rifle in terms of brute force. The impulse grenade, the suppressed SMG, the remote mines and the light machine guns have also disappeared, a major rationalization of the more specialized arsenal of the game. This will again focus on the rifles. assault, and especially the SCAR, but it is unclear how this will affect the pace of action – and the distance that separates the engagements – especially at the end or in areas of strong encounter as inclined Turns . Maybe we'll see a more thoughtful approach, with fewer short-distance shots.

The end of the rebound

The Bouncer Cushion is a surprising removal, which allowed players to eject high in the air, and then safely parachute to Earth. Easier to find and more adaptable than the launch pad, they were a common feature of end-of-game strategies, helping you to safely descend tall buildings or dive into secure areas at the last second. This could reduce the number of finals dominated by players with very fast skills in vertical construction.

Shade cubes and cornfields

One of the fully developed corn fields

One of the fully developed corn fields, which offer practical coverage and some surprises. Photo: Fortnite

The Fortnite map now contains several corrupt areas, which are strange burned sites, marked by unexplained runes, which undoubtedly have a connection to the mythology of the island. More importantly, these areas are dotted with shadow cubes, season response to Hop Rocks. These useful artifacts turn your character into an opaque, ghost-like figure that can move faster and zoom through walls. You can not shoot anyone in this state, but when you stay still, you are invisible, allowing you to sneaky camping.

For now, the cubes have been removed because they were causing problems in the game, but when they are back, they will be a useful part of the stealth game, especially if the storm gets closer to a corrupt zone where they are going. find. are abundant. As for stealth, some agricultural areas, including Fatal Fields, now have fully developed cornfields that also offer excellent coverage – as well as a strange treasure chest.

The haunted castle

The newly built Gothic castle

The newly built Gothic castle, seen from a safe distance. Photo: Fortnite

This large Gothic building has materialized on an elevated point just south of Haunted Hills. Right now, it's a slightly intriguing diversion filled with spooky stone hallways, dark rooms and empty coffins (as well as many artifacts), but the theme of Season 6 is "Darkness Rising". This prominent horror-themed spot may well become a key hotspot as the weeks progress – especially for Halloween, of course.

Verdict: Season six has many aesthetic, tactical and architectural changes, with the floating island being the most important landscape change since the arrival of Paradise Palms. There are some new really fun skins (the incredible Giddy Up being the star of dress) too, and it will be interesting to see how players are using the new underground spaces – and if Epic starts linking them through a network of tunnels , the creation of new claustrophobic combat scenarios.

It seems that Epic is attempting to bring subtle modifications to the tactical game, directing players towards exploration, crossing and mid-term engagements, rather than placing it in Tilted Towers with a SMG whenever possible. With regard to mythology and history about extraterrestrial visitors and strange experiences, the places to visit are undoubtedly the new haunted mansion and the Wailing Woods, which were previously rather neglected but now rather intriguing …

If designers can continue to invent new mysteries, new modes and fun extras like the epic stadium mini-game in Playground Mode, we still have some exciting months.

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