Review of The Red Hat Redempt 2


Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of my absolute favorite games of this decade. If ever an achievement could fail, this game represents this achievement. I made a 40 minute video highlighting every little problem.

It may be in your interest to hate this sport. Maybe you expect it as a Christmas present and you want to cool your hype. Or maybe you just hate cowboys because they're still dusty and you can not stand to look at all that dust. Whatever the reason for your disgust, I got you "with" this video, as they say.

Most of the points I present to you in this review are jokes. Many of them are not jokes. Many jokes contain sincerity. Much of the sincerity contains humorous phrase turns. I can not tell you who is who and what is where. You must feel it yourself. Such is the nature of the criticism of a hater.

Here's a taste: Red Dead Redemption 2The virtual scrotums of horses diminish in cold weather and extend in hot weather. It's realistic. You can hunt, kill and skin something like 500 different animal species. It's also realistic. Why can not you skin the horses? Why can not Arthur Morgan eat horsemeat? You are telling me that it is a game of desperate cowboys and pursued by lawyers who regularly decapitate their oppressors with hunting rifles, but that they are too awful to eat a horse ? I do not buy it.

If you dare to click, expect to draw lessons on the history of shaving tools, the blowing of glass at the turn of the century, overt fate and American exceptionalism.

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There is even a playlist of all my other videos. Wow!

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