Review: Pokémon: Let's go, Pikachu and Eevee!


For more than 20 years Pokémon has been a powerhouse in the game and in many other forms of media, and it all started in a region called Kanto. It's there that the coaches met their starters, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle and a year later, Pikachu. Let's go borrows from Yellow, the third entry in the series, also drawing inspiration from yellows rival using an Eevee. This created the Let's go titles, featuring the two iconic mascots Pikachu and Eevee. The players are once again presented to Kanto, but this time with a brand new approach based on the famous mobile title. Pokémon GO. The question was how well it worked and if it was something we would continue to see in the future or something that should be left out and forgotten.

The story of Let's go begins like most other participants in the series, with a young coach who begins his journey with the help of a teacher. Let's go begins in Pallet town, where a new coach is ready to pick up his Pokémon alongside his childhood friend, Trace. After discovering that Professor Oak had disappeared from the lab, the coach went out and met him just outside the city. After a brief introduction, a wild Pikachu or Eevee will appear before them and will be captured by the new coach. The Poke Ball manages to escape and returns to the laboratory, where the new coaches touch and receive their first Pokémon. The two friends become close partners almost immediately and, after getting the teacher's Pokedex, leave for their trip.

Like most Pokémon When traveling the region, the main objective when traveling through the region is to fight the coaches, the leaders of gymnastic clubs and face the Elite Four at the Pokémon League. Battles work the same way as previous titles. Coaches fight to see who has the strongest Pokémon. In addition to some new moves for starters, those with a friend or family member are able to pass a second Joy-Con and take it multiplayer. If a second player shakes a Joy-Con, he will appear as an assistant coach. This character will appear in battles with the team's second Pokémon and can make things a bit easier against tough opponents. Although the second player can not interact with anything outside of the battles, it can also be of great help for the whole new change in the way coaches capture their faithful companion, Pokémon.

The biggest change by far Let's go introduced is wild encounters. No more fighting, falling into a Pokémon turns into a mini-game of capture similar to Pokémon GO. Instead of being completely random, players can now approach Pokémon, who travels the outside world to launch a capture. Here, trainers can use objects to make them easier to catch, select their Poke Ball and then launch it. When the coaches are ready to throw a ball, a ring appears around the Pokémon of different colors. Green means that it will be easier to catch, yellow and orange indicate that it is harder and red is the hardest. Once the players are ready, they take their Joy-Con and make a throwing motion to hit the Pokémon that they want to capture. In pocket mode, players move the entire switch to aim and press the A button to throw a ball. Successive capture of the same product will also create a combo, which will reward more expressions and items while increasing the chances of shining as the combo expands for truly dedicated trainers. Those who play with a friend will also capture at the same time. If both players can time their throws simultaneously, there will be a catch bonus for doing well.

In addition to the capture, there have been a lot of changes in the quality of life in the latter Pokémon Title. The most notable is the Pokémon box in the coach bag, which allows them to change parties at any time instead of going to a Pokémon center. In the same order of ideas, players can also change the outfits that they get in their trunk to clothes when they feel like it. Back from previous titles, it is possible to follow Pokémon behind a coach, adding as a bonus that many of the player's Pokémon are actually usable instead of borrowing from others or finding them at random. If some do not have a special effect, on the other hand, coaches can run against flying Pokémon or faster transport. Considering that there is no more bike this time, Pokémon becomes the fastest means of transport. There is also a lack of HMs similar to Sun and Moon, but this time, the starter is quite capable of learning all these special moves in the field to progress. Finally, one of the most charming changes is the addition of simple but enjoyable cutscenes. Not only does this add to the overall atmosphere, but most are short but enjoyable and highlight the iconic moments of the generation of origin. In addition to the new cutscenes, there is an option to ignore them because they just want to keep moving forward and not stop, which is a first for the main series.

Pokemon X and Y introduced Pokémon Amie, a way to connect with trusted companions by feeding and caressing them, as well as providing the opportunity to dress the coach. Dressing Pokémon has been seen in some mini-games before the 3DS titles, but it has not been much developed so far. Let's go goes a step further for Pokémon with outfits for both Pikachu and Eevee that we see in combat, in the overworld and in the new game mode. Coaches can enter the menu at any time and play with their partner by being petted, pricked or even doing a high-five. This is not necessary at all, but makes the Pokémon more user-friendly and more adorable. Throughout the adventure, players will acquire outfits from various other people for both the trainer and the partner corresponding to their outfits. It's a shame that the friendly mechanic of the caresses is limited to the beginner Pokémon this time, but it is always a great addition that seals the bond that unites the two partners throughout their journey.

Although optional, Let's go allows coaches to experience their game with a brand new device called Poke Ball Plus. This appropriately shaped device replaces a Joy-Con with two simple buttons and a joystick to move. It's an immersive experience because the Poke Ball Plus is able to brighten and make noises suited to the situation. This is what stands out the most when capturing Pokémon, where it lights up according to the capture status and if a Pokémon has been caught, it duplicates its cry. This is not just for playing at home, as the Poke Ball Plus can be taken away at any time. When players save, they have another option: take a Pokémon for a walk. This choice allows them to choose the one to take away in the real world. After choosing the one to take, players can spend their day and when they come back, they can bring them back to their team. If you hold down the main button of the Poke Ball, you can even play with a Pokémon inside by shaking it, which will make even more happy the one who is inside. In return, these Pokémon will gain experience and will often give objects to have fun while walking. It's one of the most immersive peripherals Pokémon has always added and reminds the Pokéwalker with the benefit of being a completely refillable device.

Sun and Moon gave players new Pokémon Kanto in the style of Alolan forms. Since there is no exchange of previous securities through Poke Bank, there are two new ways to obtain them. The first is to trade in the game. If players get the normal version of Kanto, some coaches will trade against their counterpart Alolan. The second is the integration with Pokémon GO, which includes all Pokémon found originally in Kanto. Once players reach the city of Fuchsia, they have access to Go Park where they can talk with a man who will allow transfers from Pokémon GO. It's a one-way transfer, so there's no way to bring back the Pokémon from Let's gobut allows several people with Pokémon GO transfer so that friends and family can participate. It is also Pokémon GO players can access the new mythical Meltan, which can then be transferred to Let's go as the only real new Pokémon in the game. Normal trading in Let's go It's as simple as that and just uses simple codes to find friends or even random people who fight and trade whenever they want.

The visuals for Let's go are by far one of the most amazing aspects. Although it's easy to see where the elements are heavily borrowed from the 3DS version in the manner of many models, Let's go the breath out of the water on the console. The colors are brighter than ever and there are more and more details in the world that really make it full of people alive and Pokémon. The soundtrack includes large rearrangements of classic themes, each of which is more memorable than the last. Perhaps one of the few problems with Let's go comes from the fact that it's a bit easy with the help of new mechanisms, and while wild Pokemon are more interactive than ever in the world, human NPCs are still clear in comparison to the little movement in the cities that makes them seem like their stiff counterparts Game Boy.

Closing Comments:

Although this may not be the last interpretation of Pokémon for longtime fans, Let's go offers a unique and welcome experience as the first console title for the main series. This is without a doubt the most impressive aspect of the series, and while it is easier, it is still as pleasant as when he visits Kanto for the very first time. It's the perfect title for long-time fans who want a relaxed experience, those who want to try a Pokémon title for the first time or just looking for something easier to try with a younger parent. Pokémon: Let's go, Pikachu and Eevee! might not be a look at what to expect entirely for Pokémon future on console, but does a great job as a first step in the progression of traditional handhelds.


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