Review Roundup: Nvidia RTX Family Delivers Incredible Performance, Poor Value


Today, Nvidia has launched its new RTX 2080 Ti and RTX 2080 GPUs and there are different ways to look at global results from multiple sites. We will have our own card review in the not too distant future. But with the RTX 2080 and the 2080 Ti now on the market, Nvidia has managed to win the success?

This will depend entirely on the price range in which you play. But in my opinion, based on the criticisms that have been made so far, no.

Before the fans refine their knives, listen to me. There is no doubt that the RTX 2080 Ti, in particular, is a fast GPU. It's fast before talking about capabilities such as DLSS. It's damn powerful. If the GTX 1080 Ti looked like a 4K GPU in 2017, the RTX 2080 Ti propels it in 2018. We do not know if the new RTX 2080 Ti is quick or not. C & # 39; is. And if you have $ 1,200 to spend on a new GPU, you're welcome to get started with this new super-fast and extremely expensive hardware.

Uh. But if you is not it?

They are well below $ 500 now. Oops. Bad map.

You know why Nvidia launched the RTX 2080 Ti today? Because they need this halo part has an impact on everyone's opinion on the stack of products. Because without the 2080 TiSEEAMAZON_ET_135 See the trade Amazon ET, the only thing the RTX 2080 offers today is slightly better performance than the GTX-1080-Ti for a price increase of $ 100. Our prediction that the GTX 1080 Ti would be the appropriate point of comparison for the RTX 2080 proved to be correct.

We are supposed to show you this one. It is a "good value" if, by "very good value for money", you mean "not a very good value for money".

Then yes. If you can afford a $ 1,200 GPU, you can also enjoy incredible performance. If you can not, you are out of this game. And to that end, while critics are full of praise for the visual effects potentially offered by DLSS and ray tracing, the actual conclusions of the reviews are punctuated with comments like this:

Ars Technica: "I do not know exactly what you think about the current state of the RTX 2080 and the RTX 2080 Ti. $ 1,200, that is a lot of money to guarantee 4K / 60fps performance locked to levels close to your favorite PC games, while the expectation and the added cost of the RTX 2080 seem to you ask a lot when the Ti benchmarks always pack the same punch.

Tom's Hardware"But we think we're passionate fans, and we still can not recommend putting $ 1,200 on the altar of progress to create a target audience for game developers. If you choose to buy the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, do it for its performance today, not on the potential of its halo feature.

All praise, all recommendations come for the 2080 Ti. The RTX 2080? Oh that's … well, I mean, it's here. Of course, it costs more than a 1080 Ti, and it is certain that it does not really offer much performance improvement. But it's here. And he has all these future features! Let the Verge and the PCMag say it, because they have reviewed the maps:

The edge"On the basis of our tests, Nvidia's big promise for 4K games at 60 frames per second with the RTX 2080 is a promise that simply does not hold water.

No, that does not matter. Because Nvidia foresaw this messaging on activating features like DLSS, which she deployed with two game demos and no current support in shipping titles. And ExtremeTech does not recommend and will never agree to buy hardware based on future promised features, regardless of the original company. We have never recommended buying an AMD GPU because of the expected future performance in Mantle and DirectX 12, and we never recommend buying an Nvidia card based on zero-ray tracing titles on the market, two game demos with DLSS, and a lot of future support promised.

Here is the PCMag:

PCMag: "Nvidia's marketing materials played on the RTX 2080, reaching 60 fps or more in many popular titles, but did not disclose the settings. Of the six games tested that have been launched in the last three years, PC Labs recorded an average of 56 frames per second at 4K, the lowest being from Shadow of the Tomb Raider (45fps). Therefore, you must use the maximum game presets for performance tests. Impressive performance from a single GPU, but it must be emphasized that you may still have to play with the visual quality sliders to get consistent performance of more than 60 fps at 4K …

[T]$ 100 extra you pay for the RTX 2080 Founders Edition maybe not money well spent unless you plan to take advantage of Founders Edition's overclocking feature set and further improve its performance. "

In terms of features like DLSS or Ray Tracing, do you know what the promise of future support is worth? Almost nothing. do not Literally nothing, no, but it's not something I'd put weight on. This is certainly not a reason to make a purchase decision.

That's why you may have seen in recent months stories about Nvidia's draconian new NDA, its suppression of GPU sampling, and its control of the entire review process. All GPU launches are closely orchestrated business. But this one was tighter than most, because Nvidia Needs players should consider the RTX 2080 Ti as a realistic entry point for this type of performance rather than a priceless geegaw that only a few players can afford. It's a cynicism like hell.

If you are one of the few experienced players who can afford a GPU like the RTX 2080 Ti, we sincerely wish you a lot of fun. It is unquestionably the fastest GPU you can buy today. Do not forget that you pay a huge premium because Nvidia is able to charge a premium.

As far as the RTX 2080 is concerned, what Nvidia has delivered today is a GPU of $ 100 more than its predecessor 1080 Ti, which behaves almost the same way, but which includes many promises that will one day justify its price. It's a song and a dance that we have already heard. We heard it with tessellation and DirectX 11. We heard it with PhysX. We've heard it many times, and every the time, by the time the new feature is ever adopted – if it ever is – prices on GPUs that involve it have fallen to the point that people who have paid a premium for capacity have been gutted to really take advantage of it . We recommend that you keep this in mind when considering the value you are likely to extract from Ray Tracing or DLSS.

Nvidia has done an incredible job launching new features that, to date, no title can literally take advantage of. The company has done an incredible job leveraging a bait by delivering promising performance for the RTX 2080, which you will need from a RTX 2080 Ti. If you like to pay a lot of money to Nvidia, you'll love the 2080 Ti. If not, the best is to hope that AMD or Intel will launch something on the market over the next 12 to 18 months to convince Nvidia that it does not have a license to treat players like the apples you feed into. a cider press. Because without competition in the market, they have the unilateral right to dictate market prices. Based on this launch, we can see exactly how Nvidia wants to use this position.

Happy games.

Now read: Nvidia claims to be much faster than Pascal by deliberately comparing bad cards, Nvidia will keep Pascal GPUs on tablets after RTX launches, and new data proves that RTX 2080 is slightly faster than GTX 1080 Ti

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