Riot Games victim of a sexual discrimination lawsuit (update)


Riot Games is facing a class action lawsuit against the publisher of League of Legends, one of the largest games in the world and one of the most important sports in the world.

Kotaku first reported the trial, which comes three months after publishing a survey on sexist culture at Riot Games.

A current employee, Melanie McCracken, and a former employee, Jessica Negron, sued Riot, alleging that the plaintiffs were denied equal pay and their careers were stifled. Riot employs more than 2,500 people, including 80% of men. The complaint alleges that Riot violated the California Equal Pay Act against discrimination based on sex in the workplace.

A spokesperson for Riot Games responded, "Although we do not discuss the details of the ongoing litigation, we can say that we take every allegation of this nature seriously and investigate it thoroughly. We remain committed to a deep and global evolution of our culture to make Riot a place where all rioters flourish. We shared our progress here. "

Some of the charges in the lawsuit reflect what Kotaku wrote, as well as later news, such as former CEO and co-founder Brandon Beck, who said at a corporate event that "no, this does not necessarily mean no.

But there are also new allegations in the trial. After a meeting with Riot Unplugged on August 16th, an employee sent a message to the entire company saying, "That was not enough for me." And at a company forum, Marc Merrill, co-founder of Riot Games , acknowledged his fault and started crying. from an audience of employees.

Applying for class action status, the plaintiffs sought compensation from the court for unpaid wages, damages and other penalties.

Kotaku said that Negron had participated in his original story. In the lawsuit, the women allege that Riot's obsession with his "grassroots" culture has led to a culture and recruitment system that discriminates against women.

After the release of Kotaku's story, Riot apologized to his current and former employees and promised to make radical changes. But Kotaku said that a number of people accused of inappropriate sexual behavior are still employed in Riot. The lawsuit alleges that Riot paid men more than women for the same job.

Negron said in the lawsuit that shortly after her hiring, her manager had resigned and that she had taken office without any compensation or change of title. This has happened several times, for the same job, Negron said. Negron also claimed to have counted the word "cock" pronounced over 500 times in a month by Riot's male employees.

Melanie McCracken, Riot's current employee, has been working at Riot since 2013. She stated that she had been denied promotions, had been punished by male leaders and that she had refused adequate compensation . She was appointed office manager in 2015 and was promoted to a senior executive position in 2016. After that, she was given a five-month countdown to find another job within Riot or to be fired.

In 2017, McCracken was promoted to COO, Scott Gelb, COO, General Manager, Nicolo Laurent, and Dylan Jadeja, President and CEO of Riot Games. She reportedly saw a video of Gelb in Shanghai with lightly dressed dancers. The video is prevalent in the workplace and McCracken claimed that she had been punished for it.

[[[[Update: 06/11/18 10:12: Addition of the answer of Riot, more details].

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