Rockstar shows the frontier cities of Red Dead Redemption 2 – Variety


One of the most exhilarating aspects of "Red Dead Redemption" was to explore the world on horseback and players will be able to discover even more of them in the larger world of the sequel this fall. Rockstar Games gave clues as to what players can find in the border towns to allow new protagonist Arthur Morgan to visit his official website on Monday.

The main territories of West Elizabeth and New Austin are back in the next game, but there are several new areas to watch, from "Ambarino Mountains to the plains of New Hanover to the Lemoyne Marshes", according to Rockstar. Meanwhile, Rockstar presents beautifully styled postcard renderings of these new areas.

First of all, there is the city of Valentine. Located in the Heartlands, this city attracts everyone from cowboys to cattle ranchers to cattle auctions.

If the livestock trade seems dull, Saint Denis may be more your scene. Described as "bustling", this city attracts businessmen, laborers, thieves and others through its access to a major North American trade route.

CREDIT: Rockstar Games

Annesburg is not doing as well, as the difficult working conditions in the mining town have made life difficult for its citizens. This is perhaps an area where Arthur can do unexpected things (or make things worse, if that's your style of play)?

In case of a change in climate, Mount Hagen in the Gripper Zone offers players a snowy environment.

Gangs at war are not new in "Red Dead Redemption", but two families of war planters, the Braithwaites and the Grays, wreak havoc in the southern city of Rhodes, located in Lemoyne.

For a less occupied area, the Lagras colony in the Lemoyne wetlands appears to be a good hunting and fishing site, as the website indicates that its residents are self-sufficient and act as guides for travelers wishing to sail in the area. . "

And finally, the deliciously named Strawberry is a tourist town thanks to the efforts of its new "eccentric" mayor.

Nuevo Paraiso, the Mexican territory of the first part, is still not confirmed for the future and (perhaps especially) was not updated Monday. As one of the fans' favorite territories, Rockstar could be content until the Oct. 26 release date, "Red Dead Redemption 2", to learn more.

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