Rumors about the prices of the Samsung Galaxy Flex foldable are rising, but they might not like them


Samsung's first collapsible phone is so close that we can almost see it out of the pocket and deploy it to take advantage of the 7.3-inch screen of the Infinity Flex display.

But in addition to not knowing exactly what the revolutionary device will look like, we are not sure of its official name, let alone the most essential detail. A new exclusive report published by Gizmodo in the United Kingdom apparently brings clarity on branding and pricing, although it is probably still not wise to take for granted.

A mysterious informant that the publication claims to have checked as a Samsung employee expects the Galaxy Flex to cost between £ 1,500 and £ 2,000, which may seem foolish at first. This equates to a range of $ 1,925 to $ 2,570, but such a simple conversion is obviously irrelevant.

Instead, if this insider information proves to be accurate, we can reasonably expect a recommended price of between US $ 1,500 and US $ 2,000 for the Samsung Galaxy Flex in the United States, which always seemed to be a relative gamble. sure.
It is interesting to note that while all major US carriers are planning to take over the multipurpose handset transforming tablets, EE could benefit from British exclusivity. This is not quite shocking considering the limited number of readers that Samsung plans to produce originally, but it's probably still a little sad to hear for our British readers. On the bright side, EE is the country's leading wireless service provider.

Despite the nearly 1,000 units that are supposed to be manufactured at first, the reason we do not have a more accurate price to share with you is, it seems, the existence of "multiple" versions of Galaxy Flex, including the highest level could surround the $ 2,000 mark (£ 2,000 in the UK).

Regarding this nickname that has just spread, you must admit that the Samsung Galaxy Flex has a more attractive sound than the Galaxy F or worse, the Galaxy X. Nevertheless, you must not forget to keep the salt shaker well known nearby.

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