The Galaxy Note9, probably one of the best (and most expensive) Android phones you can buy now, has just received an update. Despite the move to the September security patch, the Note9 also benefited from some improvements in camera quality, including lightening of the faces in backlight conditions and the accuracy of the control HDR.

Here is the changelog:

What's up

  • Security patch level: September 1, 2018
  • The image quality of the camera has been improved
    • The brightness of faces in backlight conditions has been improved
    • The accuracy of day / night HDR control has been improved
    • Low light and signal-to-noise ratio have been improved

The Note9 already has a very good camera, so any improvement only serves to make an excellent thing even better. Unfortunately, none of us in AP have received the update, so we did not have the opportunity to make before and after comparisons for all of you. So, just take Samsung's word for that.

Screenshot: Hank van Loosbroek (Google+)

As usual with this stuff, the OTA is being rolled out for users. Look for the update notification and have fun checking to see if the enhancements have impacted your photography experience Footnote9.