Samsung launches the Silver Note 9 and brings the black model to the United States


The Galaxy Note 9 has been released for over a month, so it's time for Samsung to put it back in the spotlight with the launch of new colors. Although it's quite strange, these are the most standard color options possible: silver and black.

At launch, Note 9 was only available in blue and lavender in the United States. It was a good change of pace because phones are so often only available in black and white. But it also meant that these standard and dimmed color options were not available. (The black version has been launched in other countries.)

Now, Samsung is correcting that. The United States will be the first country to score 9 in the "cloud of money" as of October 5 via Best Buy and its own website. The "midnight black" model is supposed to be launched later on October 12, although it already seems to be available on the AT & T website.

Samsung likes to deploy its new phones a few months after launch, likely to stimulate interest after a while in stores. This is not a bad strategy, but it usually does things in the opposite direction: it launches with more subdued colors, and then adds something more interesting afterwards. For the Galaxy S9, for example, Samsung later brought a gold color to the United States (and a striking burgundy launched elsewhere).

It looks like the specifications and prices will stay the same, with models of 128 GB for $ 1,000 and 512 GB for $ 1,250.

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