Samsung plans to offer MicroLED screens to consumers next year


Rich Shibley / Digital Trends

Earlier this year at CES, Samsung seduced attendees with a 146-inch MicroLED monster nicknamed "The Wall". One of the most impressive at the show, but we did not expect to see him in the salons anytime soon. It turns out, however, that Samsung is appearing much further than we think, and that it will begin mass-producing MicroLED displays in September and plans to start selling MicroLED TVs as soon as it is released. next year, reports the Korea Herald.

know exactly what sizes Samsung MicroLED TVs will sell, but it plans to target the home luxury market, while for convenience the TVs are not 146-inch monsters, they probably will not be in competition with Samsung's QLED TVs either. We know that Samsung's current MicroLED strategy uses small, tablet-sized panels in a modular way to create The Wall. If the company still uses this approach, the size of the panels will need to be reduced to make the screens suitable for home use.

It is also unclear what pricing might be, but given Samsung's use of the term "luxury", the new displays will not be cheap. That said, the chairman of Samsung's visual display business Han Jong-hee said that "the price will not be as high as people think."

As its name implies, MicroLED is a type of light-emitting diode (LED) is much smaller, similar to organic LEDs (OLED). Both are small enough to make up individual pixels, but Samsung says it has an advantage over OLED because it does not use organic materials, which it says makes its microLEDs more durable and less responsive burn-in.

Samsung is able to find out because it used OLED screens for its smartphones, although it decided to use its own QLED technology for TVs. Although these TVs are great, we still tend to prefer OLEDs for their deep blacks and incredible contrast. As for MicroLED, we will have to see. Samsung's "The Wall" was really awesome remotely when we saw it at CES, but when we got closer, the individual panels making up the gigantic screen were easy to see, especially when the brightness was weaker. Samsung will probably address this issue in its consumer TVs, but the jury is still there for the moment.

If you're looking for a TV upgrade, it's probably not worth it for MicroLED. Instead, take a look at our list of the best TVs available right now. If you want to know more about this promising new technology, take a look at our comparison of MicroLED and OLED.

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