Samsung says its foldable phone is also a tablet that fits in your pocket


DJ Koh, head of mobile telephony at Samsung, gave us a first glimpse of the long-awaited foldable phone usage of the company. Talk to CNETThe executive said that even if it was unfolded, the device would offer the functionality of a tablet with multiple functions and a large screen, but could then be folded into a mobile phone.

The description corresponds to a remarkable conceptual trailer that the company released in 2013 that showed a device with a large internal screen associated with a smaller second screen on the outside for use when folded.

Koh has already indicated that the phone could be unveiled at Samsung's developer conference, where he will deliver the opening speech on November 7. The executive said it would have to reach its standards before it can announce it.

"When we deliver a foldable phone, it has to be really meaningful to our customers," Koh said. CNET Yesterday, "If the user experience is not up to my expectations, I do not want to offer this type of products. that "we need a foldable phone."

Many manufacturers have stepped up their own efforts to produce a foldable smartphone. Huawei intends to launch a collapsible phone in limited quantities in 2019, and Lenovo and Xiaomi also mocked their own prototypes. Finally, LG has also invested heavily in flexible displays. Earlier this year, he unveiled a television concept that turned into a box when not in use.

A conference of developers seems to be a strange place for Samsung to announce an expected product for so many years. This suggests that we could witness the demonstration of a prototype, with the launch of retail later, after the developers had time to optimize the applications for the new screens. And with the 10th anniversary of Samsung Galaxy smartphones coming next year, the time has certainly come for Samsung to unveil a cutting-edge design.

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