Samsung suddenly confirms the new surprise of the new Galaxy

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You should be very excited about the Galaxy S10. Despite that an obvious faultThe Samsung 10th anniversary handset has a brand new design, ultrasonic display reader, (potentially) quick updates and corresponds to the The best feature of the iPhone X. But unfortunately, things are starting to get worse for a phone that should have been even more exciting …

"Great Secret Features" and "Nasty Surprises" are my chronicles about the best features and the biggest problems behind headlines.

The Samsung Galaxy (the concept) folding was further delayedPhone Designer / NieuweMobiel

Talk to The Korea HeraldMobile division CEO DJ Koh tells Samsung that his long-awaited Galaxy F would be launched in November at the Samsung Developers' Conference in San Francisco. Instead, he said that a calendar has yet to be confirmed, and the news marks the latest in a series of adjournments for the Galaxy F (also dubbed the Galaxie x), a few days after Koh declared "it's time to deliver".

So, the Galaxy F vaporware?

My instinct is to say no. Although Samsung is promising in 2017 that the Galaxy F will be launched early 2018, and that the launch of 2018 is scheduled for 2019, Samsung continues to promise that the phone will be marketed.

Referring to November (the month of its developer conference in San Francisco), Samsung said, "We will have more to say about the developing phone at that time, probably some details on the specs.

While this is vague, it is also unusual for a company to talk about a future product, even under these conditions, before launch. Koh has already alluded to the struggles of society and its determination to market the Galaxy F saying that he "did not want to lose the first title in the world".

Folding galaxy conceptPhone Designer / NieuweMobiel

These struggles have nothing to do with the display, the folding screens have been for yearsbut rather how to shape rigid internal components (like batteries) around them.

Of course, the price for marketing the Galaxy F is considerable. Not only does it differentiate Samsung in an increasingly homogenized smartphone market, but it also offers tangible benefits, such as unparalleled portability and durability, from folding the screen after use.

For consumers, the eventual launch of the Galaxy F is only an obstacle to ownership. Equally embarrassing are the amazing price and Samsung's admission that very few will be made. Nevertheless, it is clear that competitors are worried.

How can we say? Because we have never seen Apple "Accidentally" his new iPhones (so. a lot. time) before the release …


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You should be very excited about the Galaxy S10. Despite that an obvious faultThe Samsung 10th anniversary handset has a brand new design, ultrasonic display reader, (potentially) quick updates and corresponds to the The best feature of the iPhone X. But unfortunately, things are starting to get worse for a phone that should have been even more exciting …

"Great Secret Features" and "Nasty Surprises" are my chronicles about the best features and the biggest problems behind headlines.

The Samsung Galaxy (the concept) folding was further delayedPhone Designer / NieuweMobiel

Talk to The Korea HeraldMobile division CEO DJ Koh tells Samsung that his long-awaited Galaxy F would be launched in November at the Samsung Developers' Conference in San Francisco. Instead, he said that a calendar has yet to be confirmed, and the news marks the latest in a series of adjournments for the Galaxy F (also dubbed the Galaxie x), a few days after Koh declared "it's time to deliver".

So, the Galaxy F vaporware?

My instinct is to say no. Although Samsung is promising in 2017 that the Galaxy F will be launched early 2018, and that the launch of 2018 is scheduled for 2019, Samsung continues to promise that the phone will be marketed.

Referring to November (the month of its developer conference in San Francisco), Samsung said, "We will have more to say about the developing phone at that time, probably some details on the specs.

While this is vague, it is also unusual for a company to talk about a future product, even under these conditions, before launch. Koh has already alluded to the struggles of society and its determination to market the Galaxy F saying that he "did not want to lose the first title in the world".

Folding galaxy conceptPhone Designer / NieuweMobiel

These struggles have nothing to do with the display, the folding screens have been for yearsbut rather how to shape rigid internal components (like batteries) around them.

Of course, the price for marketing the Galaxy F is considerable. Not only does it differentiate Samsung in an increasingly homogenized smartphone market, but it also offers tangible benefits, such as unparalleled portability and durability, from folding the screen after use.

For consumers, the eventual launch of the Galaxy F is only an obstacle to ownership. Equally embarrassing are the amazing price and Samsung's admission that very few will be made. Nevertheless, it is clear that the rivals are worried.

How can we say? Because we have never seen Apple "Accidentally" his new iPhones (so. a lot. time) before the release …


Follow Gordon on Twitter, Facebook and Google+

More about Forbes

Samsung limits the 5G model to a single Galaxy S10

Samsung CEO discusses launch plans for Folding Galaxy F

Samsung's beta release suggests faster updates from Galaxy Android

Samsung will offer readers integrated to the Galaxy S10 3 models

Samsung Galaxy S10 has important design changes

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