Samsung teases a reveal for its foldable, dual-screen smartphone


Samsung is getting closer to taking the wraps off its foldable smartphone, a prototype of which has supposedly been in the works for years now. In a tweet sent late last week, the company teased a big reveal of the device, or at least a prototype version of it, describing its upcoming developer conference as “the crossroads between the present and the future” and showing a subtle graphic of two lines unfolding into a right-facing arrow.

We’ve been hearing for a while now that Samsung was close to showing off its foldable phone. Samsung CEO DJ Koh hinted in an interview with CNBC in September that the product could arrive as soon as this year, but we still haven’t seen any hardware, even in just the prototype phase.

That looks like it could change as early as next month, with it now more likely than ever that either some form of the device’s software interface or perhaps some actual hardware will be on display at the Samsung Developer Conference in San Francisco, which starts November 7th.

So far, all we have to go on is this 2014 concept video showing what such a device might look like and how it could be used to fold a phone in two and noticeably reduce its size. Prior to that, Samsung showed off a prototype flexible AMOLED display way back in 2012.

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