Samsung's Galaxy S10 Plus lineup could include 5G


The code hidden in an upcoming update of the Galaxy S9 Plus suggests that Samsung plans to release a 5G variant of the Galaxy 10 next year. XDA developers, echoing earlier rumors that Samsung would include next generation connectivity in a variant of its flagship handset.

There are four main versions of the upcoming phone that appear to be in production. The code calls them "beyond 0" (we expect it to be an entry-level model), "beyond 1" (the S10 standard), beyond "is the code name of the S10 range. A similar survey in early 2018 revealed part of the manufacturer's Galaxy lineup this year.

Code names also include "q" variants running Qualcomm Snapdragon chips, as opposed to the Samsung Exynos chipset, XDA said. There seems to be both a Qualcomm version and an Exynos version of the 5G S10, although this is probably the Qualcomm model that is making its way to the United States.

Samsung's release schedule seems to reflect the state of 5G by mid-2019, by which time the S10 should be available. Although each of the major operators is committed to launching 5G services by the end of 2019, they are unlikely to offer comprehensive coverage, and the actual utility of a 5G phone is likely to be low.

According to rumors, Samsung plans to produce 5G versions of the S10 in more limited quantities, according to The bell.

Samsung has already said it does not expect the S10 to be its first 5G phone, and this latest news suggests that another phone could beat it instead of making it in time for its next flagship product. .

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