Samsung's patented multi-display handset design


Samsung filed a patent with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) describing a design for multiple displays on a single handset in four different iterations. For each style of device, the displays are in the usual front position, as well as on at least one edge and the back panel. On the basis of the design sketches themselves and subsequent descriptions, all seem to use flexible panel technology, but none seems to be of a collapsible type that has evolved significantly over the last few months. However, this does not mean that this display configuration would not be useful. Each of the displays appears to be active with touch and gestures enabled. This means that multiple applications can be used both with the simple switchover of a phone instead of having to switch to multi-window mode or toggling from one application to the other . Meanwhile, the edge can be used for notifications or similar information or controls.

Moreover, the use of a screen mounted on the edges is not really surprising since Samsung has already incorporated something that looks a lot like at least one design in the variations & # 39; ; Edge & # 39; of its flagship handsets. Having a length in advance to work could inspire new software enhancements and features, such as a built-in fingerprint scanner or volume and brightness controls. This is particularly true with respect to the types of after-sales software typically created by the largest developer community. The main difference, meanwhile, is in the use of a back display. This could allow a much higher screen / body ratio since the main camera could also be used as a selfie-shooter, although this is not the only use that can be found.

finally use one of the drawings in the patent is fully in the air at this stage. Given the rumors and leaks regarding both the Samsung Galaxy X and the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, there is little chance that any of the models could be incorporated there. At the very least, any implementation of this patent seems to be very far away, if it is ever used.

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