Scores of "Fortnite" Location Pleasant Park, Retail Row Week 6 Challenge Guide


Fortnite Week 6 of the challenges is live, and the hardest part requires players to find support with sheet music at Pleasant Park. In this guide, we will tell you where the score is and what to do when found.

Fortnite Sheet Music – How to Find Sheet Music in Pleasant Park

To complete this challenge, you must find a piece of score and play it on a nearby grand piano.

Fortnite Pleasant Park Sheet The location of the partition in Pleasant Park Epic Games / HarryNinetyFour @ YouTube

1) nice park: Find the sheet music in this house with the large spider web on it. Go inside, turn left and you will see a piece of partition on a pedestal. The notes are "CEGC". Now you want to go to the grand piano on the hill between Pleasant Park and Haunted Hills. Press the C, E, G, E and C keys to complete another part of the challenge. You will know that you did things right when the sequence of notes repeats itself.

Fortnite Pleasant Park Piano The location of the piano at Pleasant Park Epic Games / Pefu YouTube @ YouTube

2) Detail line: For this one, you will find the partition if you enter the stores by the door next to the dispenser. On the left as you enter, you will see another sheet.

Fortnite Pleasant Park Sheet The location of the partition in Pleasant Park Epic Games / HarryNinetyFour @ YouTube

Once you've found this, head to the piano between Retail Row and Paradise Palms near the Corrupted Area. In this case, the sequence of notes is: A, E, F, E, E, C and A. Know that the first two A's are high, which means you have to jump on the A surrounded by the circle. The last A is square, so jump to the bottom key that contains the A and the surrounding square.

Fortnite Retail Row Piano The location of the piano in Retail Row Epic Games / GuidingLight @ YouTube

That's all you need to know about the 6th Sheet Music Challenge in Fortnite. We will update this guide with more information as it becomes available. We also have the location of the secret banner of week 6 if you like it too.

Fortnite is now available on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC and mobile.

Have you been able to complete the four parts of the Sheet Music Challenge in Fortnite? Tell us in the comments section!

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