Season 4 – could never end up

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The dead who walkWitness

Although it's always a sad day when a studio closes and people lose their jobs, the industry was shaken yesterday by the shocking news of giant interactive fiction Telltale, which has laid off 250 employees. lose ends.

It's a devastating story, a story that everyone will try to do for a long time, like most employees, including Telltale employees. own RP representative does not seem to have a clue about what really happened here. The surprise closure meant that these 250 employees were laid off without severance pay, health care ran out in a week and no idea how they could stay in the Bay Area. go

Fans and industry players have gathered around the workers, and studio after studio has sent out notices for jobs available in places like Sony Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Gearbox and more. said and done. But the interim is necessarily terrifying.

The wolf among usWitness

This evolution was so sudden that it upset the state of any ongoing Telltale project. Some things are obvious, like those of Telltale The iron Throne and The wolf among us do not have new seasons. The next Strange things the game has been canceled. But now, there is a word that The dead who walk Season 4, the conclusion of Clementine's story, may not even see the release of her last two chapters because Telltale was completely and completely destroyed. These are maddening fans, many of whom have not only paid for all the chapters, but also want to see how Clementine's story ends after the trip began in 2012, six years ago.

The only project on which a small team of about 25 people would continue to work would be the Minecraft: Fashion History gambling that they were doing for Netflix, which seems to be a contractual obligation that they to have to satisfy or risk the wrath of the streaming giant.

What exactly happened to Telltale? This is a question that will be asked for weeks and months to come. The obvious answer is that the games did not sell well. Supposedly, very few Telltale games ended up being profitable. For me personally, while I liked the idea of ​​Telltale games and the first entries like The wolf among us and The dead who walk Season 1, waiting for episodes for new episodes was exhausting to the point that I was waiting until the seasons were up before buying, if I bought them at all. And finally, it became clear that these games had not really evolved significantly, either from the point of view of storytelling or gameplay, your choices, no matter what they were, always seemed to lead you into all the senses. for the majority.

The dead who walkWitness

But in addition to the disappointing popularity of the model, The Verge published a scathing article in March about how Telltale's "toxic product management" cost the studio its best developers. Here is an exerpt:

"Some managers are trying to alleviate the pain caused by the shortage by providing food or alcohol to overtime workers," symbolic gestures, "according to sources, to make the process as comfortable as possible. "They were putting a bandage on a wound that had been there for years," the source said. "They were just trying to do their job now, but no one was looking long-term and saying," It's not sustainable. "

In fact, it turned out that it was unsustainable.

He always felt that Telltale was taking on too many projects. The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Game of Thrones, Guardians of the Galaxy, Borderlands, Minecraft, Batman, Stranger Things. All this since 2012. The attraction of landing these IPs was appealing, without a doubt, but it was too much.

This is a very, very sad situation for the talented staff of Telltale, who deserved better. And fans will be disappointed not to finish their favorite series with this abrupt end. What a total mess.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram Read my new science fiction novel HEROKILLER, who combines my love of fighting games and action movies. I have also written The trilogy of the earth.


Although it's always a sad day when a studio closes and people lose their jobs, the industry was shaken yesterday by the shocking news of giant interactive fiction Telltale, which has laid off 250 employees. lose ends.

It's a devastating story, a story that everyone will try to do for a long time, like most employees, including Telltale employees. own representative of PR does not seem to have a clue about what really happened here. The surprise closure meant that these 250 employees were laid off without severance pay, health care ran out in a week and no idea how they could stay in the Bay Area. go

Fans and industry players have gathered around the workers, and studio after studio has sent out notices for jobs available in places like Sony Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Gearbox and more. said and done. But the interim is necessarily terrifying.

The wolf among usWitness

This evolution was so sudden that it upset the state of any ongoing Telltale project. Some things are obvious, like those of Telltale The iron Throne and The wolf among us do not have new seasons. The next Strange things the game has been canceled. But now, there is a word that The dead who walk Season 4, the conclusion of Clementine's story, may not even see the release of her last two chapters because Telltale was completely and completely destroyed. These are maddening fans, many of whom have not only paid for all the chapters, but also want to see how Clementine's story ends after the trip began in 2012, six years ago.

The only project on which a small team of about 25 people would continue to work would be the Minecraft: Fashion History gambling that they were doing for Netflix, which seems to be a contractual obligation that they to have to satisfy or risk the wrath of the streaming giant.

What exactly happened to Telltale? This is a question that will be asked for weeks and months to come. The obvious answer is that the games did not sell well. Supposedly, very few Telltale games ended up being profitable. For me personally, while I liked the idea of ​​Telltale games and the first entries like The wolf among us and The dead who walk Season 1, waiting for episodes for new episodes was exhausting to the point that I was waiting until the seasons were up before buying, if I bought them at all. And finally, it became clear that these games had not really evolved significantly, either from the point of view of storytelling or gameplay, your choices, no matter what they were, always seemed to lead you into all the senses. for the majority.

But in addition to the disappointing popularity of the model, The Verge published a scathing article in March about how Telltale's "toxic product management" cost the studio its best developers. Here is an exerpt:

"Some managers are trying to alleviate the pain caused by the shortage by providing food or alcohol to overtime workers," symbolic gestures, "according to sources, to make the process as comfortable as possible. "They were putting a bandage on a wound that had been there for years," the source said. "They were just trying to do their job now, but no one was looking long-term and saying," It's not sustainable. "

In fact, it turned out that it was unsustainable.

He always felt that Telltale was taking on too many projects. The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Game of Thrones, Guardians of the Galaxy, Borderlands, Minecraft, Batman, Stranger Things. All this since 2012. The attraction of landing these IPs was appealing, without a doubt, but it was too much.

This is a very, very sad situation for the talented staff of Telltale, who deserved better. And fans will be disappointed not to finish their favorite series with this abrupt end. What a total mess.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram Read my new science fiction novel HEROKILLER, who combines my love of fighting games and action movies. I have also written The trilogy of the earth.

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