Season 5 battle challenge challenges of week 2, new submachine gun


Fortnite Friday is a weekly review of what is happening in the world of Fortnite. We cover the challenges of the battle, the new game modes and all the update information you need to know.

Fortnite Friday is a weekly column covering everything going on around the popular multiplayer confrontation game of 100 people. Royal Battle . This week, we are tackling fun battle challenge challenges and a brand new (kind of) weapon that absolutely kills opponents.

Before moving on to the fun things, let's start with the challenges of the battle, as usual. If you have not yet completed the challenges of week 1 (damn llama), you can find the guide of those here. In addition, you will notice that the challenges are divided into two parts. For season 5, holders of a pass will not receive three challenges per week.

That said, everyone should still buy a fight pass if they can. This makes the game a lot more fun and adds a challenge to kill time between two sessions

Here's how to complete the challenges of the Battle Pass of Week 2.

Challenges of the Combat Pass: Week 2 [19659008] Free Challenges [19659008InflictingDamagetoAssaultRifles(0/1000)

We have already seen this one. Epic cycles through these "damage inflict" tasks every season and this might just be your freebie. Dealing with the damage with the rifle will come naturally throughout the week. Do not worry about it.

Look for 7 boxes of ammo in a single match (0/7)

This challenge arose last season and people had a little panic to find ammunition boxes up to the end. that they realized that they were pretty much everywhere. Thanks to Epic for making us better players. The homes at Snobby Shores are filled with ammo boxes, especially the southernmost house with the secret basement. Otherwise, keep an eye on the small green boxes as you move on the map. They are not difficult to find

Eliminate the opponents of Paradise Palms (0/3)

The rival of Tilted Towers is still busy. Paradise Palms always has this new smell and it's actually a really fun drop zone. Enter the action, catch a weapon and take out the three people you beat in the first chest. Your games may not last long here, but that challenge will not be there either.

Challenges battle pass

Mark a basket on different hoops (0/5)

One of the new epic features added for Season 5 is the ability to shoot hoops and play golf. They are picked up as emotes and what better way to make everyone try them than to challenge them. Here are the locations of the hoops on the map

Looking for chests in Loot Lake (0/7)

Why? Why loot the lake. This challenge will be an absolute mess at the beginning of the week, so if you hate Lake Loot to start, do not finish it until next Wednesday. There are some spawning grounds in the house, a couple in the boats / islands around the lake, and a few in the two outer areas (factories in the west and the fancy house / tower to the north). Chip by getting one or two chests per match, but make sure to time your fall correctly.

Search between an oasis, a rock arch and dinosaurs (0/1)

The oasis, arch and dinosaur are all in the new badlands Fortnite (Paradise Palms area). Here's where you can find the battle star:

Sniper Rifle Eliminations (0/2)

I hope you are decent with the sniper rifle. If this is not the case, remember that shotguns count for this challenge and are easier to aim / shoot at a shorter distance. Aim for the head, you only need two of them

Here is a complete list for this week's challenges:

Update v5.0 notes and news

Submachine gun – I know. The tactical SMG is gone and you are livid. Well guess what, it's life and it's time to move on. The new submachine gun is currently the most ridiculously controlled machine, the most precise and the most deadly. Even the common (gray) version of this weapon annihilates the opponents.

The best part about this is that its accuracy, stability and shooting speed are so high that you can use it as you use a short range shotgun. that shotguns suck) or as an assault rifle when rushing the bases. This weapon is great and you should start using it immediately. Personally, I stack two when I can

Summer Skirmish returns Summer Skirmish from Fortnite a competitive gaming competition, returns today with $ 1,000,000 on the line. Here's where you can watch the tournament:

Elimination of the week

The week's EOTW is ruthless. It's about the right time to use a shotgun because they are now destroyed for all other situations.

If You Encounter Something We Might Have Missed Or Have Ideas About What Should Be Included In These Posts In The World Future, hit me on Twitter @TheRealBruin . Until next week!

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