Seasonal content of the anthem, BioWare wants to "tell a common story"


Members of the development team discuss Fortnite and its approach to seasonal content.

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<p>Since the first day of its gameplay, BioWare <em>Anthem</em> has been hard sell for players, whether they hate the implementation of loot boxes by EA or want a traditional story experience. While the experience of monetization and storytelling is perfect, the development team also pays attention to what other multiplayer titles offer in terms of post-launch support.</p>
<p>However, speaking to PC Gamer, the team does not just have access to the free post-launch story. She wants to promote a type of common story among her fans, similar to <em>Fortnite</em> is currently taking place.</p>
<p>Executive Producer Mark Darrah explains, "Well, one problem we've encountered with BioWare games is the real reluctance to talk about what you've been experiencing because of the feeling of spoilers. But when you look at something like <em>Fortnite</em>there is this shared history, as with the purple cube, the missile or the meteor showers. People share this experience because they know everyone has seen it. This is what our world is really doing to us. What we have never had before is the ability to have a common experience that we can all talk about and whose story is common to all.</p>
<p>"We can make sure that one of the characters you interact with looks like," Oh, you know I've heard about a big purple cube! And then you show the big purple cube, and then the big purple cube moves. Oh my God, the big purple cube is what the big purple cube is going to be.</p>
<p>"And we can do it without the players waiting five, six, three, four months, whatever the month for a massive DLC," said lead producer Michael Gamble. However, Darrah notes that while seasonal content is the order of the day, he also believes that the game needs more than that.</p>
<p>"So we plan to do seasonal content, more important things. But then I think we need something more than that. I think that <em>Fortnite,</em> what Epic did that others may not have understood is that there are seasons – great things lasting 10 weeks – and then within which they are, we let's just add something more.</p>
<p>"What you see is that a lot of developers are missing is this second level of thing. They have the season and they have reached this pace. "We do five things a year, six times a year." But they do not have that extra spice, and that's what Epic understood. "</p>
<p>Interestingly, Gamble notes that the studio has a "complete plan". Potentially even a third layer. We fully understand that as time goes by, people are more and more interested in things and the only people you can recover are those who are super hardcore in the game. We do not want to not.</p>
<p><em>Anthem</em> Released February 22, 2019 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The demo will go online on February 1, 2019 for EA / Origin Access subscribers on Xbox One and PC, but PS4 players will be able to pre-order to participate as well.</p>
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