Sega Genesis Classics launches to change this winter


Sega announced today that it will bring the Sega Genesis Classics collection to the Nintendo Switch this winter.

Sega Genesis Classics is released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on May 29th. The collection includes more than 50 games from the 16-bit Sega console. This is another example of a third-party publisher that brings more support to Nintendo's powerful platform.

Sega Genesis Classics is an excellent collection for retro players and Sega fans. Instead of just choosing games in a simple menu, he uses a 90s children's virtual room as a hub. This helps you to return to the era.

The collection lacks some notable games, including the Ecco the Dolphin series and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (and its complementary pack, Sonic & Knuckles). But it includes a lot of headlines that are not normally added to these types of collections, including Beyond Oasis, which looks like Zelda. It also includes fantastic games from Treasure's development, including the 2D platformer Dynamite Heady and the Gunstar Heroes cooperative game.

Sega Genesis Classics allows you to play many of these games without buying a Genesis dongle, which does not match the quality of Nintendo effects like the SNES Classic Edition. And as a miniature console is perfect, the library of more than 50 members of Sega Genesis Classics lives up to the SNES Classic Editions 21 games (at least in terms of quantity).

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