Sega wants to take advantage of "resting" IP addresses such as Shenmue 1 and 2


Shenmue 1 and 2

In its comprehensive integrated report for 2018, Sega revealed that one of its goals is to strengthen collaboration with localization teams in order to simultaneously launch video games around the world.

Calling this a "Road to 2020" goal, the report explains that a recent surge in overseas sales can be attributed to an improved localization, which has led to positive reviews of the from players around the world. The company added:

The SEGA group has location studios that make all the difference when the games are sold abroad. ATLUS became a member of the SEGA group due to the transfer of its activities in 2013; the studio is located in California, United States. The studio understands Japanese and American games very well and is able to localize Japanese games so as to have unique worldviews of Japanese titles to local players. The studio is able to maximize the entertainment value of localized games that reflect these unique worldviews, which has led to very positive reviews from local players.

Elsewhere in the report, Sega said it wanted to "take full advantage" of all its IP addresses, including "inactive". The company has made reference to the recent Shenmue reissues, adding that they were the product of a joint effort from studios all over Europe.

Interestingly, the report seems to indicate that Sega is considering reactivating more of its inactive IP addresses.

In addition to re-releases, we are also working on brand new games using an inactive IP address, such as New Sakura Wars (tentative title), announced in April 2018.

At the moment, the specific IP addresses that Sega has in mind are unclear, but we can start making our wish list!

[Source: Sega]

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