Senran Kagura Burst Re: Newal is the last game to be censored on PS4



XSEED announced that the next Senran Kagura Burst remake, Senran Kagura Burst Re: Newal, will be censored to the west on the PlayStation 4.

Specifically, the interactive "privacy mode" of the PS4 version will be developed and the game will also be "slightly delayed".

Fortunately, XSEED has no illusions about who is responsible for this decision, stating in a follow-up tweet that it "respects the wishes of the platform owner" – a clear indicator that Sony is the one who has "Requested" that the Intimacy mode be deleted.

Needless to say, this is a disturbing turn of events; not just for Senran Kagura, but also for the PlayStation as a platform.

For Senran Kagura, Privacy Mode (it officially took the name of Splash fishing beach) has always been an essential part of the series since its inception in 2011. This has always been an optional part of the game, but it has always helped to give the games an extra charm beyond what the game and the game have to offer. story tell.

Meanwhile, this latest initiative makes it clear that Sony has fully embraced censorship in all its rotten glory. While Nintendo – a company specializing in entertainment for entire families – has Senran Kagura Reflections (which is basically the Intmacy mode: The Game) to stay on the uncensored switch, Sony has apparently regressed, after "asking" the censorship of this title and Omega Labyrinth Z earlier this year.

The only positive side (if you can even call it that) is that the PC version of Senran Kagura Burst Re: Newal will not be affected (probably because Valve has decided not to control the content of games sold in its shop as long as it is not illegal), but will be delayed to have the same release date as the PS4 version. Unfortunately, we still do not know when this date is.

So there you have it. The PlayStation is now the children's system – with the exception of guns, gore and violence which Sony apparently has no problem.

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