Sense of death


We have new The death images, and it's as confusing as ever. Your task this week is to make sense of everything.

When this guy takes off his gold mask in the pictures, I thought, for a moment, that something could become clear. I thought that there might be a moment of recognition where I saw a character who had appeared in some of the previous pictures. Or maybe a Norman Reedus clone. Or literally something other than a blank shaped face. Then he summoned a Bloodborne boss.

For the shop contest this week, I need answers. I want you to give me a revelation in which I can really immerse myself. I want to feel like The death start to gather for me. In my picture above, I revealed that Spider-Man was the man in the gold mask. Yeah, it's weird, but you can also be like, "Oh, it's Spider-Man," and feel safe knowing there are no twists. I mean, it's just Spider-Man.

Do not hesitate to use images or sequences of The death that we have seen so far to create your images, but if you just want to reveal the beautiful face, I propose below a convenient .PNG:

As always, next Saturday, I will choose a winner and honorable mentions! Good luck, and the rest of the rules are below:

How to download images – Instructions

1. Create your shop and save it on your desktop. Images must be at least 636 pixels wide.

2. Go to the bottom of this article

3. This opens a comment window. Click on "Choose File" if you download your store from your desktop.

4. You can also download the shop in a free hosting service. I suggest imgur. Then paste the image URL into the field labeled "Image URL". NOTE: It must work from the URL of the image itself and not from the page where it is displayed. This means that the URL ends with .jpg, .gif, .png, whatever.

5. Add an editorial comment and click Submit and your image will load. If this is not the case, download the image to print and paste the URL of the image as a comment. I will watch.

6. Large images may not be downloaded correctly, although we have seen animated gifs of more than 5 MB. If you still can not download the image, try to keep it longer ( horizontal or vertical) less than 1,000 pixels, or the whole less than 2 MB.

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