Seven tips for beginners in Shadow of the Tomb Raider


Lara's journey to become the eponymous Tomb Raider ends with the conclusion of Eidos Montreal in the restart trilogy. Although Shadow of the Tomb Raider offers a host of accessibility features to make it easier for you (or the task) to meet your needs or preferences, there are still a few tips to know before starting your adventure.

Whether you prefer the stealthy road or rifle shooting, it is always best to pick up the gun silencer early. Sometimes an arrow to the head is not enough to cut it, and with the extra power and speed of the gun, you can quickly shoot more enemies silently. This is ideal for getting out of difficult situations, especially if you do not want to alert everyone nearby.

The sooner you can buy the pistol silencer is the merchant in Kuwaq Yaku, the first village you can explore after reaching Peru. If you are further in the game and you have not bought it yet, you can still find it in the shops of other traders.

Speak to NPCs

As you cross the villages, you will notice that you can interact with NPCs. You should always talk to them! Although you can hear some conversations that lead to nothing, you will often have to complete side missions. These side missions help you not only earn XP and items, but can even unlock prohibited areas of the map. Do you see a wall of remarkable appearance that you can not go over no matter what you do, but still have the impression that you are supposed to break through? This could be for a reason, and you can discover what you miss if you take the proper secondary mission.

In The Hidden City of Païtiti, there are certain NPCs that you can only talk about with a specific outfit. Do not worry too much. You will acquire these outfits through your natural progression through the main story of the game.

Unlock the skills of Caiman's Breath and Caiman's Speed

Do you see these red dots? They are piranhas. They will spoil you. Do not leave them.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider has a lot of underwater sections. As many. And Lara is always in a jam of some sort. To alleviate possible frustrations during these sections, I recommend you to unlock from the start the skills of Caiman's Breath and Caiman's Speed.

Caiman's Breath allows Lara to hold her breath longer under the water. There are scattered air pockets, so you are not totally helpless, but it is wise to have this skill when you will have a lot of close calls with shortness of breath. These pesky eel attacks take a surprising time.

Caiman's Speed, meanwhile, allows you to swim faster. Combined with Caiman's Breath, you will become the Michael Phelps of Peru and you should not have any problem avoiding unnecessary threats.

Do not ignore deposits of gold ore or jade

You will find lazy changes here and there by plundering corpses, but the big money comes in fact from the natural resources you find in the environment. Whenever you see deposits of gold ore or jade (many times they will be under water): take them. When you sell them to traders, you can make a lot of money, thousands at a time if you have saved enough. The gold ore goes up to 50 pieces while Jade yields 100 pieces.

If you want to be able to buy better weapons and mods of arms, this is one of the easiest ways to make money fast.

Explore the environment in depth

Like its predecessors, Shadow of the Tomb Raider encourages you to explore the environment. Challenge tombs, hidden crypts and collectibles only need to be found, but they need a watchful eye to do it. Tomb Raider disguises a lot of them to blend in with their surroundings. You will not always get a bright beacon that says, "Hey, here I am!" When you get off the beaten path, some hidden crypts even contain new equipment for Lara.

Lara is an archaeologist, after all. She has an insatiable curiosity about the world around her. If you decide to reflect this in your way of playing, you will be rewarded with secrets that other players will not have discovered. And you will gain more skill points from your XP to improve.

Improve your equipment and outfits frequently

Every time you settle in a base camp, you will be able to upgrade your equipment through your inventory menu. Always take the time to do it if you have enough equipment. Each of your weapons can be upgraded to make them more deadly, faster and able to hold more ammo.

In addition to that, you can make outfits that give Lara advantages while she is caving in caves and repelling Trinity. Do not settle for the outfit that history offers you because many of them do not offer bonuses, like making Lara harder to detect.


You may not want to hurt the poor and innocent Capybaras, but you may need them. Animal skins are used to upgrade guns and make new outfits. You will be able to find animals already dead in the jungle, probably from a jaguar or another predator, but you can not rely on these carcasses to provide you with a sufficient amount of material. I will find in the crates no more. You will have to do the hard work and take things in hand.

You are all together!

Do not forget to check out our thoughts on the game in our review (without spoiler, of course) and why we consider it to be Lara Croft's best adventure.

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