SGDQ 2018's big speedrun event just raised a crazy amount of money


Another Games Done Quick has come to an end and, like several recent organization marathons, Summer Games Done Quick 2018 has managed to set a pretty impressive record by the time everything has been said and done. When all donations were counted, Summer Games Done Quick 2018 raised $ 2,129,894. This is not yet an exact amount because there are always donations that arrive after the end of the event.

Still, it is close enough to the final tally, and SGDQ 2018 managing to raise as much money is huge for a few reasons. The first is that it is the highest amount ever met by an event SGDQ, and in addition, it is the first time in the history of SGDQ that total donations exceeds $ 2 million .

This is not the first time has raised more than 2 million, as has already happened twice. Awesome Games Done Quick (which is the winter counterpart of SGDQ) surpassed the threshold of $ 2 million in 2017 and again in 2018, making SGDQ 2018 the third Games Done Quick marathon to reach the $ 2 million mark.

Other interesting statistics can be found on the SGDQ 2018 tracker. For example, there were 35,378 donations in all, with an average donation of $ 60.20. The largest donation during the marathon was $ 110,260, the total amount raised by Twitch subscribers throughout the week.

At the end of the event, which ended early on Sunday, July 1st. Done Quick has announced the dates and location of the next marathon for a week. Awesome Games Done Quick 2019 will take place in Rockville, Maryland, from January 6th to January 13th, 2019.

Before that, we can not wait to play Games Done Quick Express, a shorter marathon that will take place during TwitchCon later this year . The Quick Express Completed Games will start on October 26 and end on October 28, so if you have post-GDQ blues, you can at least console yourself by thinking that the next event will only be in a few months. [19659007] [ad_2]
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