Shadow Of The Tomb Raider: Should You Buy On PC, PS4 Or Xbox One? – Steam Punks – Steam Punks


With the release of new video games at the top speed of here the end of the year, you may be wondering which platform is right for you. In the episode of the GameSpot issue on PC, Steam Punks, Jess and Ed discuss PC versus console.

While some of the great games of the year are exclusive to a particular platform, such as Spider – Man, many of the most important titles of the year will be available on PC and on console. That's the case with this week's Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the third and last match expected from the reboot series.

Controllers can not match the accuracy of the keyboard and mouse, which may encourage some people to play on PCs. At the same time, many PC games support controllers, and Ed demonstrates in the new episode of Steam Punks that there is no reason to be ashamed to use a controller for PC games. In fact, a controller may be a preferable option in some situations.

There is also the question of playing where your friends are. Even if you prefer PC over console, if your friends are on the console, this could be reason enough to push you on PlayStation, Xbox, Switch or another console. Since the cross-play between PC and console is not widely implemented for big games, many have a choice between the two. This may change in the future, but it is a reality right now.

Another advantage for PC is that the games seem to be more efficient, provided that your system is sufficiently powerful. In addition, many games are released first on PC via Early Access and Beta, which can encourage you to play on PC via the console.

Jess and Ed discuss all these topics, including how the launch of the most powerful PS4 Pro and Xbox One X has had an impact on the choice between PC and console and why the cooperation for PC gaming does not make much sense. Jess and Ed also answer your questions regarding the episode of the previous week on pre-order games.

Steam Punks airs every Monday on GameSpot.

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