Shenmue: New sequence of the canceled remake of Sega


Eurogamer has discovered images and new details of a film Shenmue redo it has never been finished.

No, we're not talking about the recent HD remasters of Shenmue. We are talking about a full remake of the original game in the style of the next Resident Evil 2 remake. That is to say that he would have completely updated the visual and mechanical elements of the game, instead of just hovering over the original titles with a thin layer of shiny HD.

In comparison, the images of this remake discovered by Eurogamer illustrate a rather amazing reworking of the cult title of Dreamcast. Why does it not seem that the team behind this remake has tried to completely reinvent the original game (a lot of original areas are pretty much alike), they were clearly interested in the realization of 39, a version of Shenmue which stands next to the most beautiful games of the modern era.

In fact, it seems that they were on the right track to achieve this goal. The environments presented in this remake are stunning from a purely technical point of view, but the redesigned graphics of the games really do a great job in showing how Shenmue has aged. We had a taste of that in the HD remasters, but we did not see anything on the scale of this amazing remake.

So why was this project canceled? Nobody seems to know the official answer to this question. However, smart money on the project costs too much. Remakes of this magnitude can sometimes cost as much as making a modern game from scratch, and the fact that these images include what appears to be a complete visual remake of Shenmue II means you can double the size of this development bill. We imagine that the final cost would have been just below the production costs of Shenmue III.

Sega has indicated that this sequence is only a snapshot of his plans for a complete remake of the original games, but it does not appear that they have immediate plans to complete this project in the near future.

Matthew Byrd is a writer for Den of Geek. He spends most of his days trying to produce in-depth analyzes of Killer Klowns from Outer Space to a series of increasingly disturbing editors. You can read more of his work here or find him on Twitter at @ SilverTuna014.

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