Should Epic share the profits from Fortnite dances with the original creators?


Some of the original creators of Fortnite signature dances are unhappy that their movements have been used without credit or compensation in Epic Games' highly popular royal battle game.

A new Insider video (thanks, PCGN) explains how some of Fortnite's most iconic movements such as Swipe It and Tidy are based on real dance moves from hip-hop artists such as Chance the Rapper, Snoop Dogg and 2 Milly, and have become viral by themselves. Here, take a look:

An American attorney specializing in intellectual property law who contributed to the report confirmed that the US Copyright Office could not accept any copyright claim for individual dance moves due to an expression creative choreography. But since the movements are sold separately by Epic and are not available for free, it raises the more ethical question of whether the studio should compensate the creators of the movements or, as Chance the rapper suggests, accompany the dances with the music. 39; original. pieces that created them and share the profits from the sale of the moves with the original artists.

Fortnite was in the news for quite a difficult reason earlier this week when Calamity accidentally granted a "embarrassing and unexpected".

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