Silent Hill 2 surprises fans with new secrets even after a decade later


Silent Hill 2 dates back to 2001, and even though you think the community of players has found all the secrets of the game, think again. Just recently, the Twitter user punk7890 made two new discoveries in Silent Hill 2 that were locked behind quite complex command prompts.

Quite surprisingly, Silent Hill 2 comes with its own mini-card and function save anywhere you want. If you wonder why this secret was not discovered earlier, it's because you had to finish Silent Hill's non-canonical "canine end" first. And even then, you'll still have to press a series of seemingly random buttons to activate both features. Here are the specific commands and requirements:

"Mini Card:

A hidden mini card can be activated by a set of complex button combinations.First, you must have completed the end of the dog. have finished Dog Ending, make sure your controller type is set to 2 if you play the international versions of the game. Finally, press the following buttons while you have control over your character: Start + L2 + Square + L3 You may need to first access the inventory menu screen, exit, and while holding down the Start button, and then enter the rest of the button sequence. [19659005] Save anywhere:

This hidden feature has a more complex set of button combinations needed to be entered to bring up the backup menu from anywhere. Control your character and then press the following buttons ts: D-Pad Left + Left Stick Anal Left + Right Stick Anal Left + L2 + L1 + L3 "

Apparently Silent Hill 2 fans have been speculating on a possible mini-map since 2015, as you can shoot up by playing with some of the flip-flops in the game code. Although it's not worth much now, having a mini-map and the option to save anywhere will certainly lighten the load for those who are still flaming through Silent Hill 2.

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